Kinds of Sentences
According to Functions
20 points
Interrogative Sentence
Declarative Sentence
Exclamatory Sentence
Imperative Sentence
Thank you!
1. Clean up your desk, please.
2. Please come to my party.
Role Play
Short Skit
Rubrics :
- content
- voice volume
- preparedness /
team participation
- props and costume
- audience response
Rubrics :
- content
-voice volume
- preparedness/
team participation
- props and costume
- audience response
1. Manila is the capital of the Philippines.
1. Don't stay up too late.
2. Let the baby sleep.
Interrogative sentence
- is a sentence that asks something and ends with a question mark.
2. Has anyone seen my blue folder?
1. Can you help me with my project?
1. Look out!
2. I can't wait until Grandma gets here!
1. declarative
2. interrogative
3. exclamatory
4. imperative
Imperative sentence
- is a type of a sentence that gives a command or makes a request.
- it ends with a period.
Direction: Identify what kind of sentence is being use. Answers only.
1. My father was an army sergeant.
2. Claire, can you help me practice my lines?
3. Buy more glue when you go to the store.
5. Please, turn off the lights
Direction: Write one paragraph invitation letter to someone. Pay attention to the use of different kinds of sentences. Be creative in making your invitation.
best friend
- is a sentence that tells something and ends with a period.
Declarative sentence
2. John play basketball.
Exclamatory sentence
- is a sentence that expresses a strong emotion and ends with an exclamation point.