Hello, my name is Angel i`m Sophia &today we will be sharing with you metis flag and religion. We will be talking to you about the flag, Religion, and a little bit of History about the Metis people. Now I'm going to talk to you about the History behind the Metis culture, next will be flag and so on.
Metis map
The Métis are Aboriginal people with a ''history, culture, language and territory that includes the waterways of Ontario, surrounds the Great Lakes and spans what was known as the historic Northwest''.
The Métis Nation descendants of people born of relations between Indian women and European men 2 different cultures and places of birth. The initial offspring of these unions were of mixed ancestry these to contras were mixed to become one but there are still separate of them meaning there are still indians boy and girl and same as european boys and girls which means not all mixed to become Metis .'' The genesis of a new Aboriginal people called the Métis resulted from the subsequent intermarriage of these mixed ancestry individuals''.
The Metis Nation has many symbolic flags which evolved over time.
''This particular flag has a blue background with a white infinity symbol that has two meanings'':
•The joining of two cultures
•The existence of a people forever (the real meaning)
''The blue infinity flag is a Metis national flag and represented the political and military force of the Metis as early as 1816.''
This flag is still reminds strong and flown by the Metis Nation today.
Metis flag
The metis Religion & believes are that their Native heritage believes came from their mother and their European believes came from their father.
It was common for Metis people to combine their Native Religion. Mostly Ojibway and Cree or Catholic to. Metis culture begin to start with French and English with native american roots. They were also spiritual ,they believed in if you weren't healthy then it would lead to your death !!!
some flags
Thank you for listening and i hope you enjoyed and learned somethings about Metis Religion and flag
Metis flag
Metis flag and Religion !!!