Roman Empire Timeline
Early Roman Empire
The Reforms of Diocletian and Constantine
In 284-337 A.D
The Roman State
509 B.C
The Age of Augustus
During 27 B.C
- Rome becomes a republic when last king Lucius Tarquinius Superbus, was overthrown and Rome was ruled by elected officials 509 b.c
- the last king was a cruel Tyrant so he was overthrown
- He established the tetrarchy (293 A.D.), naming Maximianus as co-Augustus, and Galerius and Constantius as two subordinate Caesars.
- reunited the Western and Eastern halves of the empire in 324 A.D.
- He then founded a new capital on the Bosphorus at Byzantium, which was renamed Constantinople in his honor in 330 A.D.
- Spartacus the gladiator leads the slaves in an uprising in 73 B.C
- he was born in Rome,Italy in 63 B.C
- Augustus became the first Roman Emperor 27 B.C
- The Roman Empire begins 27 B.C
- Diocletian emerged as a strong ruler in 284-305
- Diocletian ensured protection and reorganization of the empire by creating new and small provinces
- He established the tetrarchy (293 A.D.)
- In 306 A.D Constantine becomes emperor
- Rome persecuted the Christians before Constantine would convert to Christianity and Rome would become a Christian Empire.
- both considered reform of army a prime necesary in 284
The Fall of the Western Roman Empire In 476 A.D
The Growth of the Roman Empire During 753 B.C
The Collapse of the Republic
During 45 B.C
Roman Conquest of the Mediterranean
During 264 B.C
The Age of Augustus
In 14 A.D
- Rome Empire was experiencing a lengthy period of peace and prosperity
- Augustus created a new order that in the Roman Empire between 14 A.D and 180 A.D
- emperor Augustus died in 14 A.D
- Roma and Carthage fight the first Punic War in 264b.c
- Romans destroy the last vestiges of the Etruscan civilization
- Rome expanded to the West and East and became master of the Mediterranean Sea 265-133b.c
- Hannibal invades Italy in 218 B.C
- Second Punic War in 218 B.C
- empire threaten by Goths,Visigeths, vandals,and other germanic tribes
- in 476 b.c was the fall of the Western Roman Empire as well as the fall of Ancient Rome
- fall of empire caused when tribes pressed South looking for better land and succeeded
- Last Roman Emperor Romulus Augustus is defeated by German Goth Odoacer.
- City of Rome was founded in 753 b.c
- it was founded by Romulus and his twin brother Remus
- Romulus then killed his twin brother Remus
- Julius becomes first dictator of Rome 45 B.C
- he makes his famous crossing Rubricdon and defeats Pompey in civil war to become ruler
- the republic ended in 45 B.C
- Romes republican institutions were not adequate to the rule of the Empire.
- Julius Caesar is assassinated on the Ides of March by Marcus Brutus in 44 B.C
- hope to bring back the republic, but civil war breaks out. in 44 B.c