$523 million:
Amount awarded in institutional grants and scholarships
Minnesota Private College Week offers introductory visits the last week of June
"Regardless of what college you choose...make sure you think about the way that institution will affect you, shape you, enrich you, for the rest of your life. You need to look a little bit beyond the immediate moment and try to think about how you will become a different and better and ultimately more productive person through the experiences you have at an institution."
President Brian Rosenberg
Macalester College
Minnesota's Private Colleges
College Planning Background: 2015
First-year net tuition trend at private nonprofits: inflation-adjusted figures flat in recent years
Weigh opportunity costs: take into account impact of odds of delayed graduation
Less than half:
Average share of posted tuition that families actually pay
Median debt for Minnesota graduating
seniors who borrowed
1 out of 4 incomes below $50K
1 out of 5 students first-generation
Orange bars represent potential cost of delayed graduation, due to unearned income.
Average net tuition costs shown in green for four-years, brown for fifth and sixth years.
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