Learning target:
I can identify and explain the characteristics
of different communities.
Language target:
I can design a model that shows the
characteristics of different communities.
Barbaresco Italy (2 min)
Characteristics of Rural communities
3. Agriculture is the most common
job in rural communities.
1. Rural communities are sparsely populated.
Rural communities are smaller, so there are fewer people.
2. There are fewer buildings in
rural communities
There are fewer people in rural communities, so there are not many buildings.
Agriculture is growing crops, raising animals, and caring for the land.
3. Agriculture is the most common
job in rural communities.
1. Rural communities are sparsely populated.
2. There are fewer buildings in
rural communities
Agriculture is growing crops, raising animals, and caring for the land.
Rural communities are smaller, so there are fewer people.
There are fewer people in rural communities, so there are not many buildings.
Characteristics of a suburban community
1. Suburban communities
are near cities.
3. Suburban communities have fewer buildings than urban communities.
2. Suburban communities have fewer people than in urban communities.
But- suburban communities have more buildings than rural communities!
Suburbs are communities located in areas outside of cities.
1. Create your own community.
2. Make sure you include all the
characteristics of the community.
3. Use your imagination!
But- suburban communities
have more people than rural communities!
Characteristics of urban communities
3. Most people in urban communities work in industry.
1. Urban communities are densely populated
2. Urban communities are
very developed.
Industry is all the different types
of jobs that produce the
things people need.
Urban communities have many diverse people.
In urban communities there are many houses, buildings, roads, bridges, and railways.