1. What is music therapy?
Music Therapy/ Music Education
Common Misconceptions About Music Therapy
- That the client or patient has to have some particular music ability to benefit from music therapy -- they do not.
- That there is one particular style of music that is more therapeutic than all the rest -- this is not the case.
- All styles of music can be useful in effecting change in a client or patient's life. The individual's preferences, circumstances and need for treatment, and the client or patient's goals help to determine the types of music a music therapist may use.
Music therapists and music educators often work together, but in different capacities.
- Music educators teach music skills, i.e., note names, how to play the piano, names of composers, etc.
- Music therapists use music as a tool to achieve non-musical goals.
During the course of music therapy, a client may learn how to play songs on the piano; this is an added benefit.
- A music therapist is more concerned with how playing the piano obtains goals such as fine motor skills, improving coordination, lengthening attention span, or increasing self-esteem.
- Music therapy is not a substitute for music education, and music teachers are not trained to practice music therapy.
Music Therapy
An overview of the profession
Where can Music Therapists work?
What do Music Therapists do?
Assess emotional well-being, physical health, social functioning, communication abilities, and cognitive skills through musical responses.Design music sessions or interventions for individuals and groups based on client needs and preference.Participate in interdisciplinary treatment planning, ongoing evaluation, and follow up.
(AMTA Website)
- psychiatric hospitals
- rehabilitative facilities,
- medical hospitals,
- outpatient clinics,
- day care treatment centers,
- agencies serving developmentally disabled persons,
- community mental health centers,
- drug and alcohol programs,
- senior centers,
- nursing homes,
- hospice programs,
- correctional facilities,
- halfway houses,
- schools,
- private practice
Funga Alafia-
Nigerian Folk Song
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Funga Alafia, ashe ashe.
History of Music Therapy
- Earliest scientific publication supporting the therapitic use of Music was in 1789
- Use of Music for healing dates back to ancient times.
- Modern Music therapy practices and schooling began in 1940.
- In 1950 The National Music Therapy Association was organized.
- In 1971 The American Music Therapy Associate was implemented.
- Certification Board Exam was implemented to assure competency and credibility.
We will discuss:
What is Music Therapy?
How are Music Therapists Trainned?
1. History of music therapy.
2. What is music therapy?
3. How are music therapists trained?
4. What do music therapists do?
5. Where can music therapists work?
6. The difference between music therapy and music education?
7. Misconceptions about music therapy.
8. Music Therapy experiencials
Methods of Music Therapy:
Guided Imagery/Mindfulness
Neurologic MT
Music Therapy is the clinical & evidence-based use of music interventions to accomplish individualized goals within a therapeutic relationship by a credentialed professional who has completed an approved music therapy program.
Completion of an approved MT program:
- 4-year Bachelor’s (or equivalency)
- 900 hour clinical internship
- National Certification Exam to obtain MT-BC status
- 100 hours of continuing education approved by the American Music Therapy Association (AMTA)
- 5-year Certification Examination cycle
Bridget Shevlin Mt-BC, NICU MT