- Identify a reliable mentor
- Volunteer to be a mentor to a SJSU graduate student
- Willingly accept extra responsibilities
- Lead by example (work hard)
- Volunteer to lead an advocacy group (e.g. Ability awareness seminar at Santa Cruz Schools)
- Explore leadership opportunities through AOTA
- Letters of recommendations from professors if needed
- Use Professor Pat Sanchez as a resource to learn about opportunities in Santa Cruz
- Stay in contact with Fieldwork I and II OTs
- Volunteer at Professor Pat's Clinic
- Shadow private OTs working with Vincent and Luke (cousins with Autism)
- Procedural
- Pragmatic
- Conditional
- Narrative
- Ethical
- Interactive
- Scientific
- Diagnostic
- Vote on Policy
- Vote for officials that recognize and support OT
- Write letters to encourage policy change
- Raise Awareness about OT
- Present at schools
- Educate service team
- Family and Friends
- Clients
- Volunteer for PAC
- Donate to professional organizations
- Raise money for Autism Speaks
- Use undergraduate senior project "Ability Awareness Program" to raise awareness about specific conditions (ASD, CP, blindness, APD)
MEMBERSHIP TO Professional Organizations
- Search online database (e.g. Cochrane)
- Subscribe to magazines/journals (e.g. AJOT, Neurology Now, OT Practice)
- Review CAT
- Review CAP
- Look for the Cochrane Collaboration Logo
Achieved through membership to professional organizations (SOTA, AOTA, OTAC), obtaining professional development units, being an active advocate for the profession, my client, and special interests, and seeking leadership roles.
Read books and scholarly articles
relating to client populations, review current research, listen to podcasts, ask mentors for suggested resources
- The Wilbarger Deep Pressure and Proprioceptive Technique (DPPT)
- Infant Massage
- DIR - Floortime
- Sensory Integration
Request Feedback From:
Apply professional reasoning skills, current research, previous clinical experience, and client feedback to ensure an evidence based, client-centered, practice
Clients,professional peers, mentors, and self (reflection)
Attend Conferences
& Lectures
(e.g. OTAC conference, Stanford's Annual Autism Conference, Temple Grandin)
Continued education
Delivering Excellence in Service as an Occupational Therapist Working in Santa Cruz County
Intern at Dominican Hospital and Door to Hope
(June 2016 - December 2016)
Achieve my Master's in Occupational Therapy From San jose state University
I will achieve my Master's in Occupational Therapy through San Jose State University, "learn by doing" at my Fieldwork II Internships, seek out mentors, and continue my education by reading books and scholarly articles, listening to podcasts, and attending conferences. In addition, I will learn through self-reflection, client feedback, and co-worker interaction.
Complete coursework by May 2016
Work Values
- Meaningful Work
- Thought Provoking Work
- Action Oriented
- Creativity
- Efficiency
- Reliability
- Teamwork
- Improve Society
- Help Others
- Commitment
My core personal and work values will aid in my development of becoming an occupational therapist who delivers excellence in service. I will use these strengths to develop areas of weakness as a therapist.
Kailey Payne
Personal Values
- Self-respect
- Integrity
- Loyalty
- Empathy
- Responsibility
- Motivated
- Passionate
- Self-driven
- Leadership
- Innovative
Areas to Grow
- Active Listening
- Applying OT theories/models/FOR to actual clinical scenarios
- Energy Modulation: being able to adjust my energy level to one best suited for my client
- Ask Questions: do not fear sounding incompetent
- Self-directed learning: look for answers before asking