Uncle Sam vs the Dragon
Why does all of this matter?
Political System
- Mixed economy
- Economy based on supply and demand
- Current driver of the world’s economy
- Individual economic decisions
- Basically out of the hands of the government
- Constitution-based federal republic
- Strong democratic tradition
- A central government with limited power
- Citizens elect representatives and leaders
- Power of the people is written in a constitution.
- Command economy
- Currently 3rd largest economy
- Government controls the economy
- Relying on others is the norm
- Freedom of speech is absent
- Lifelong obligations to friends
- Social status is based on inherited traits
- Relationships are highly valued
- Buddhism and Confucianism is dominant
- Autonomous
- Freedom of speech is encouraged
- Limited obligations to friends
- Social status based on personal achievements
- Encouraged to debate and challenge
- Christian dominant
Political System
- Communist state
- Shifting towards socialism
- A single party holds all of the power
- The state plans and controls the economy
- Eliminates private ownership of property
By Jasmin McGee