talking to the father as if he were there, but also as if recalling the memory alone
"But I hung on like death"
simile adds irony
if abusive, death could be an outcome
"You beat time on my head"
beat has strong connotation- does the child view it as part of the "dance"?
beating time can be viewed as abuse or part of the fun
"My mother's countenance / Could not unfrown itself"
personification creates idea that frowning is a large part of the mother's being
perhaps unhappy in marriage or simply concerned about accidental injuries
My Papa's Waltz
By Theodore Roethke
A child's innocence is often immune to harsh reality
Theodore Roethke employs apostrophe, personification and ironic similes in order to convey the concept of childhood innocence and unconditional love to his audience.
Initial Reactions
One Impression:
abusive father
inflicting physical abuse on son
mother is helpless
simply a doting father having fun
normal "roughhousing" between father and son
any pain inflicted isn't intentional
Completely Literal:
drunken father attempting to teach his son how to waltz