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Ladybug Migration

By Michelle & Melony


Migration is when an animal or an insect moves to a different place that still fits their criteria for living. Different animals migrate for different reasons.

For example

- Wildebeasts travel the plains of Africa for water, because it's so hot in Africa, the sun drys up all of the water.

- Some whales migrate because they look for food, while others migrate because the water gets too cold and they also move to a warmer places to reproduce because whale carps haven't got enough blubber to keep them warm.

- Plenty of different birds migrate because they too don't like the cold.

Animals move for all kinds of reasons.

Ladybug Migration

Ladybugs tend to stay in groups and will move if there is a shortage of food, or if some ladybugs are dying because of flooding or posion.

Normally the 'leader' will decide whether to move or not.

Although they move, the place that they move to has to be suitable for the group.

Migrate Where?

Ladybugs can migrate anywhere, as long the place as food for them. Large gardens or parks provide hundreds of varities of plant-eating insects.

Ladybugs generally migrate to north America for the summer and south America for the winter. If they don't live in Amercia than it's the same for other countries.


Did you know?

* Ladybugs don't only migrate, they also hibernate.

* There are over 5000 different species of ladybugs, that all different colours and have different patterns.

* The name of the beetle is rumored to have been derived in Europe during the Middle Ages.

* When ladybugs grow old, their spots start to fade and sometimes completely disappear.

* Ladybugs bleed from their knees when they are threatened by predators.

* Ladybug larvae resemble tiny alligators with bumpy skin and enlongated bodys.

* Ladybugs are sometimes cannibals.

Ladybugs are also known as lady birds and lady beetles. They are normally called lady beetles in Europe, ladybugs are also native to Europe but were later brought to North America, and after that, they just spread like wild fire.

Ladybugs are mostly liked because of the way they look but farmers absolutely love them because of their diet. Ladybugs eat aphids and other plant eating insects, so they protect their crops.

Ladybugs can literally live anywhere and they would be happy, they can live in grasslands, forests, cities, suburbs and along rivers

The name Ladybugs

European folklore states there was once a plague of insects devouring agricultural crops. After Catholic farmers prayed to Virgin Marg for assistance with getting rid of the menacing insects, legend claims that their prayers were answered by Virgin Mary herself, nicknamed the saviors, "Beetles of Our Lady," which later got shortened to ladybugs.


Ladybug Hibernation

As with many beetles, changes in temperature impacts ladybugs. During the cold winter months, when temperatures drop below freezing, ladybugs hibernate, usually in wooded areas beneath fallen leaves.

When spring arrives and the temperature rises, the hiberating ladybgs wake up and move from wooded areas to plains, agricultural land, gardens and other warm areas with plant growth.

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