Nanban to Black Ships
- In 1633, all trade and travel in Japan had been banned.
- This was caused because of the spread of Christianity in Japan.
- The Japanese believed that Christianity was diluting Japanese culture and beliefs.
- The ban was made to stop the negative influences.
- The Tokugawa Shogunate brought over 2.5 centuries of peace and economic expansion to Japan.
- Black Ships were under the command of Captain Matthew Perry.
- He forced the Tokugawa Shogunate to open the ports of Shimoda and Hakodate to US trading but they refused to do so on his first visit.
- On his second visit, Perry told them that he planned to move the bay up towards Edo if his demands about the trading policy weren't met.
- The Japanese signed the Treaty of Kanagawa which ended their 200 year isolation.
First few Black Ships arrive...
- On July 8th, 1853 Black Ships sail into Japan
- Led by the ship USS Powhatan
- Commanded by Commodore Matthew Perry
- Japanese were stunned by Black Ships
- The ships were steam powered and loaded with guns which had never been seen before.
- The Japanese realized that they were far behind in technology and could never defend themselves against other foreign attacks
- On March 31st 1854, the U.S. and the Japanese signed a treaty that allowed the U.S. to trade with Japan.
- The treaty stated that two ports were open to American ships at Shimoda and Hakodate, and there would be help for wrecked American ships.
- The Japanese gave the Americans permission to buy: supplies, coal, water, and other necessary provisions in Japanese ports.
- After the treaty was signed, Japan hosted Americans for a feast.
- This feast became a yearly tradition for the Japanese called "black ship festivals".
- The Japanese started to use new technology...
- They adopted the Arquebus and improved it.
- 50 years later, their weapons were better than the European form of guns.
- They constructed European-style ships.
- The Japanese thought that their biggest threat were European missionaries. So in 1587, all of them were expelled. Some were also killed.
- New art forms.
- Formed new languages.
- They adopted Vietnamese cultures.
- Japanese coin export.
Japanese Culture during the Period of Isolation had changed-
- They produced new forms of art.
- They also produced new forms of literature.
- The cities grew rapidly in population and grew in importance.
The Japanese culture changed after the arrival of Black Ships-
- They were introduced to new forms of technology such as the steam boat ships.
- They were introduced to new forms of religion.
- They were introduced to new weaponry
- They were also introduced to new forms of language.
- During the Nanban Trade Period, missionaries and other people, would voluntarily move to Japan. They believed that they could convert some of the Japanese people into Christianity. Some just went there in hope of living a peaceful life.
- When the Nanban Trade Period ended, and Japan adopted its policy of isolation and foreigners were kicked out of Japan.
- Finally when the Treaty of Kanagawa was issued, foreigners began to move back to the Japans.
By: Group F
Josh, Jessica, Jordan and Tim 10-28-12 10-28-12
Japanese Culture During the Period of Isolation
Japanese Culture During the Nanban Trade Era
Black Ships
American Culture Change
Treaty of Kanagawa
- Japan exported much silver and copper to Europe.
- Inflation rose because there was a lot more money and resources.
- America was beginning to develop a global economy.
- American traders were striving in the pursuit of markets for their products.
Japanese Culture After Arrival of Black Ships:
Josh Nakasone, Jessica Khaskheli,
Jordan Todhunter, Tim Kralj
Japan Encounters Black Ships
Voluntary and Involuntary Migration:
Why the European's Wanted to Trade With the Japanese...
- Japan was considered a country rich in precious metals mainly because of Marco Polo's accounts of the huge temples.
- Japan being a volcanic country there where a lot of surface ores making Japan one of the biggest copper and silver exporters of the time.
- Japan was actually a country with very few natural resources that were commonly found in Europe such as iron. What little resources they had were put to use with expert skill.
Nanban Trade
Japanese Isolation
The Nanban Trade, commonly known as the "south barbarian trade"starts out with the first European explorers arriving to Japan in 1543 and ends with the Japanese excluding them from their country in 1641. The Japanese defended themselves from the Nanban trade by isolating themselves, mainly because of the spread of Christianity throughout their country.
Similar Regions influenced by Colonial Powers:
The Treaty of Kanagawa caught the western nations' interests (Great Britain, Russia, France and the Dutch). They all signed these "unequal treaties" with Japan which granted them more rights than Japan and helped them overthrow the Tokugawa Shogunate.