My Family Tree
Christopher Austin Barrat
- Born 12th August, 1959 in England.
- Julian's brother.
- I am Lucy's Uncle.
- My three children are Lucy's only cousins.
- Born 11th July, 1960 in New Zealand.
- I am Lucy's Auntie.
- I am married to James Tukapua.
- Born 15th April, 1963 in New Zealand.
- I am Lucy's Auntie.
- I am the only relative of Lucy's that lives in Australia.
Lucy Cameron Barrat
Emily Austin Barrat
Mavis Eva Ethel Goodson
John Scobie Cameron
- Born 7th March, 1928 in New Zealand.
- Married to John.
- I am Lucy's Grandmother.
- Born 22nd July, 1925 in New Zealand.
- Married to Mavis.
- I am Lucy's Grandfather
- My surname is Lucy's middle name.
Stephen Cameron
- Born 1st December, 1955 in New Zealand.
- I have 3 sisters.
- I am Lucy's Uncle.
Barbara Elizabeth Cameron
Jacqueline Anne Cameron
Molly Kathleen Reynolds
John Austin Barrat
- Born 12th July, 1928 in England.
- Married to John.
- I am Lucy's Grandmother.
- Born 27th March, 1930 in England.
- Married to Molly.
- I am Lucy's Grandfather.
- Lucy and her sister call me Panna.
Julian Austin Barrat
Susan Mary Cameron