Works Cited
Atsma, Aaron J. "ARIADNE : Goddess Wife of Dionysus." Theoi Greek
Mythology. Theoi Project, 2011. Web. 03 May 2015.
Fitzpatrick, Anne. The Baroque Period. Mankato, MN: Creative
Education, 2006. Print.
Gardner, Helen, and Fred S. Kleiner. Gardner's Art Through the Ages: A
Global History. Fourteenth ed. Boston, MA: Wadsworth/Cengage
Learning, 2013. Print.
Mark Morford, Robert Lenardon, and Michael Sham, Classical Mythology
(10th edition), Oxford University Press.
Stoenescu, Livia. "Annibale Carracci and the Modern Reform of Altar
Painting." RACAR: Revue D'art Canadienne / Canadian Art Review 35.2 (2010): 65-80. JSTOR. Web. 03 May 2015.
Discussion Questions
The Loves of the Gods
C. van Tuyll van Serooskerken, et al. “Carracci.” Grove Art Online. Oxford Art Online. 24 Feb. 2011 <>.
Dempsey, Charles, "Annibale Carracci: Farnese Gallery of Rome." George Braziller: New York.
- Are you convinced that these scenes are appropriate choices for a wedding?
- Why do you think scenes from Greek and Roman (Pagan) Mythology were used by high ranking Catholic clergy?
- Does the room feel cluttered? Does it help the frescoes work together as a whole unit?
- Do you think the use of Classical Mythology is a little ironic? (How did the return to Classical Texts influence the reformation?)
- What piece stands out to you as an interesting reception of classical mythology?
Ceiling Centerpiece
Historical Context
- Palazzo Farnese: Designed by Antonio da Sangallo the Younger.
- Michelangelo completed the redesigned third story
- Paintings commissioned by Cardinal Odoardo Farnese (great-great-grandson of Pope Paul III)
- Rising Protestantism and Declining Holy Roman Empire
- In the 1600s Rome became the center of the Baroque
- Papacy patronized art on a grand scale
- Spirit of the Counter Reformation
Triumph of Bacchus and Ariadne
The Love of the Gods: Annibale Carracci
Gallery in the Palazzo Farnese
Wall Scenes
The Frescoes
- Frescoes indicate a shift from Mannerism to Baroque
- Inspired by the Sistine Chapel and Vatican Logge
- New style: quadro riportato (the illusion of framed paintings)
- Illusionism: giving the sense of architecture which is not present
- These stylistic choices would lay a foundation for the Baroque style
Hercules Liberates Prometheus
Annibale Carracci
- Italian Baroque painter (1560-1609)
- One of the originators of the Baroque style
- Inspired by Michelangelo, Raphael, Titian
- Embraced the High Renaissance style and rejected Mannerism
- Painted idealized figures
Ceiling Scenes