Excessive, unnecessary use of the definite article the.
1. "Every time that they come to the town, I was there"
2. "Of course there's a few, a few songs that with the time I could understand what they sayin"
Example 1:
Example 2:
In example 1, the /th/ phoneme is being replaced by /t/, and /I/is being replaced by /i/.
In example 2, consonant cluster reduction occurs in that's where -ts is replaced with phoneme /s/. Also phoneme
/ae/ is replaced with phoneme /a/ and /e/ in words had, that's and understand.
Tomas has lived in Illinois for 25 years.
Tomas Rodolfo Ortiz
53 years old.
At the age of 27 Tomas decided to immigrate to the United States in pursuit of a better life.
Language Sample Analysis on Spanish Influenced English