Why Teachers Should Be Paid More
By: Gavyn Walker
English 1320 - 2:00PM
Ms. Komitis
Teachers should be paid more...
How About You?
Three things I learned..
- How many of you want a job after you graduate?
- How many of you want a WELL paying job?
- How many of you would be willing to accept making minimum wage?
- Thesis Statement: Teacher's should be paid more because the foundation is set by teachers and they teach the student's the basic principles that they will need for the future, which will improve the young, bright minds that will shape the future generations.
- Influence: Teachers should always be prepared to do what they have to do regardless of how much they get paid because they impact alot of people.
- Teachers are underestimated for the hard work they put into their job.
- Being a teacher also requires learning
- learning styles
- Different student personalities
- Most teachers make at or less than $50,000 a year
- Compared to most college gradutes entering other careers
Do teachers get paid enough?