The Afghanistan blizzard of 2008
What Happened??
In 2008 temperatures in Afghanistan hit -30 degrees celcius (-22 degrees fahrenheit) causing frostbite, 180 centemeters of snow and claiming 1,337 lives making it the second most disasterrous snowstorm in history
lives lost???
- Website TitleSlidePlayer
- Article TitleHow Natural Disasters Impact the Environment
- Date PublishedJuly 06, 2017
- Date AccessedNovember 09, 2017
- Website TitleComplex
- Article TitleThe 50 Most Famous Snow Storm Photographs36. The Afghanistan Blizzard
- Date PublishedOctober 20, 2016
- Date AccessedNovember 09, 2017
- some accounts say 800 some say 600 some say over 1,000
- depends on when news article happened
- claimed total of 1,337 people
- claimed more than 100,000 goast sand sheep
- claimed 315,000 cattle as well
Afghanistan Blizzard (2008)
- Website TitleCBCnews
- Article TitleBitter winter a killer in Afghanistan
- Date PublishedFebruary 10, 2008
- Date AccessedNovember 09, 2017
- The blizzard started in Febuary of 2008
- Also ended in Febuary 2008
- Not sure of the exact dates
Why did it happen?
- Afghanistan, west and central
- mountainous region
- struck farmers and shepards fields
- There is constant or frequent wind gusts of 35 mph
- snow falling causing visability to be less than a quarter mile ahead
- this must happen for 3 hours or more
Local, Biome, Global levels of impact
- fighting in region was at a minimum
- lost tons of cattle, sheep, and goats
- had homes destroyed