Lauren Ball ID: 10109777
WMST 201
Contemporary Issue Analysis
The SlutWalk has become a transnational movement, and has been coined as modern feminism.
Key Players
Amber Rose
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Despite the growing popularity, it is important to consider differing perceptions...
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- Model, Amber Rose, is a key player in the SlutWalk movement. She hosts her own annual SlutWalk in Los Angelas. She supports SlutWalk as an effort to raise awareness to slut shaming, victim blaming, rape, and sexual assalut.
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- The image depicted on the right shows Amber Rose with friend, Blac Chyna at the MTV VMA awards. They chose to wear these outfits with derogitory words that have been used to slut shame them, and bring awareness to Amber's SlutWalk.
What are SlutWalks?
- Amber has been victim to slut shaming, the first time at age 14, and later by rappers Kanye West and Wiz Kahlifa. At her SlutWalk in L.A., she forgave both West and Kahlifa for their hurtful comments. She did so to set an example for women who are in, or have been in her position.
- It was never intended to become a transnational movement. Its goals were to draw attention to the inconsistencies in the use of the word "slut" and make a public statement that whether or not a woman is socially identified as a slut, that sexual assault is never her fault, and that responsibility always lies in the hands of the perpetrators.
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- The first SlutWalk took place in Toronto in 2011 in response to a comment made by Toronto Police constable Michael Sanguinetti stating, "I've been advised I shouldn't say this, but women should avoid dressing like sluts in order to not be victimized" (Herriot, 2015)
This video was made by a Norwegian charity organization called CARE. It depicts the impact of men's violence aganst women. I believe this film provides insight on how these mentalities develop, and the effects it has on women.
SLUTWALK: Feminism, Activism, and Media
By: Kaitlynn Mendes
SlutWalks have become a transnational movement for advocasy of womens rights.
- This book studies the global anti-rape movement in eight nations.
Case Study
- The book does an examination of mainstream news and feminist blogs perception of the SlutWalk phenomenon, showing we do not live in an era where feminism is dead.
Kanye West v.s. Amber Rose
Kanye West made this remark about
Amber in response to a feud between
Amber and a member of the Kardashian
- The book does an in-depth analysis of modern feminism.
In response to Kanye, Amber's mom walked with this sign at Ambers SlutWalk in Los Angelas.
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At Amber's slutwalk in L.A., her mom held this sign in response to Kanye's comment.
At Amber's L.A SlutWalk, she forgave Kanye for slut shaming her. She did so in an attempt to set an example for other women in her position.
"It's very hard for a woman to want to be with someone that's with Amber Rose… I had to take 30 showers before I got with Kim."
Views on the SlutWalk phenomenon
July 31, 2011
January 24, 2011
- Amber Rose's support has brought a great deal of media coverage on the SlutWalk movement.
April 3, 2011
- There have been criticims from the black community as they are unable to call themselves "slut" because of the historical connotations that go along with it. There is a belief that there is white privledge behind the SlutWalk movement.
SlutWalks continue to take place as an effort to raise awareness of victim blaming, slut shaming, rape, and sexual assault.
- Campaign for womens rights. Centralized on the idea that no women is "asking for it" regardless of what they are wearing, or if they are labeled a "slut."
Herriot, L. (2015). Slutwalk: Contextualizing the movement. Women's Studies International Forum. (53). pp 22-30. Retrieved from:
Toronto olice cheif Michael Sanguinetti, makes comment that "women should avoid dressing like sluts in order to not be victimized." at a presentation at York University's Law School
SlutWalk New Nelhi adopts the hindu name "Shameless Front."
SlutWalk's popularity began to spread worldwide.
Hertel, N. (2011). Language, rance, and provocation: The evolution of slutwalk in a timeline. Retrieved from:
- There is a belief that a women is either a prude or a slut. Tracy Clark-Flory says that a woman can be neither. She understands the desire to reclaim the word "slut" however, she states "I am not a political caricature, neither is my sexuality."
First SlutWalk takes place in Toronto.
Unknown Author. (2011). Link round up: Feminist critiques of slutwalk. Retrieved from:
- Melanie Phillips believes that feminism is supposed to be a revolt against treating women as sex objects. However, SlutWalks contradict this completely.
Melonyce McAfee, CNN. "Amber Rose's Slutwalk Sparks Debate - CNN.Com". CNN. N.p., 2015. Web. 14 Dec. 2015.
Various criticims of the SlutWalk were published.
Amber Rose held her first SlutWalk.
The first SlutWalk in New York City took place.
May & June 2011
The majority of articles and comments I was able to find were critical of the SlutWalk movement. It was difficult to find positive perceptions on the issue, aside from that of Amber Rose.
Sanguinetti publically apologises to the law school saying, "I am embarassed by the comment I made, and it shall not be repeated. I apologise for any ill feelings my comment may have caused."
October 1, 2011
February 17, 2011
October 3, 2015