Personal thoughts
Agnes Parker Keeping Cool in Middle School
It was good, but i wish the book hadn't ended so soon
By:Kathleen O'dell
Rising Action
1. Agnes tries to make herself look nice so she wont get noticed
2.Prejean decides to run for class president
3.Agnes tries to become the art teachers assistant but shes to late Aram is already
4.Agnes tries to think of a great idea for Prejeans class president poster
Agnes believes in herself and goes to the school dance with Aram
Prejeans parents stopped fighting
Prejean is not sick anymore
Agnes- a girl who isn't sure about herself and Prejeans BFF
Prejean- a girl who is running for class president and is Agnes' BFF
Aram- a boy who likes Agnes' & helps her with art
Falling Action
5. Prejean is really sick because her parents are fighting and so she doesn't eat
6.since Prejeans sick Agnes has to give Prejeans speech and gets nervous and messes up the speech
7.Agnes finally starts to believe in herself
Prejean starts feeling a whole lot better
Prejeans parents aren't fighting as bad as before
Agnes is starting to believe in herself
School- where she does art & helps her friend Prejean try to become class president
Agnes' house-where Agnes and Prejean hangout and Agnes does art projects
Prejean gets really, really, really sick becuase she stops eating because her parents are fighting so much
Agnes has to do Prejeans class president speech and doesn't like crowds so gets really nervous and meses up badly on telling the speech