Klinfelter Syndrome.
Randall Ceneus & Katie Walker
Interesting Factual Information
- George Washington was reported to have Klinfelter's Syndrome.
- Women conceiving over the age 35 increase the child's chance of having KLS.
- A male with KLS has the same percentage chance of getting breast cancer as the general population of females.
- KLS increase risks of Osteoporosis, Lung disease, ADHD, Dyslexia, and many other illnesses.
Male with Klinfelter's Syndrome
- Abnormal body proportions
- Abnormally large breasts (gynecomastia)
- Infertility
- Unusually small penis (micropenis)
- Small, firm testes
- Tall height
- Less than normal amount of body hair
- Decreased production of Testosterone
This syndrome only affects the male sex chromosomes. A male normally has 46 chromosomes- one X and Y chromosome, but with KLS a male has at least one extra X chromosomes (XXY) in most of their cells.
Klinfelter"s sydrome is a chromosomal condition that affects male physical and cognitive development.
- Karyotyping
- Semen count
- Blood Tests
The chromosomal changes occur as random events during the formation of reproductive cells in a parent. Nondisjunction causes the abnormal number of chromosomes. Though random, it occurs frighteningly often; it affects 1 out of every 500-700 males -making it the most common sex-chromosome abnormality.