The Great Wide Sea
Copyright date- 2008
The book takes place mainly around the caribbean
16 year old ben, And his brothers Gerry and and Dylan
Summary of Book
Ben's mom dies in a car accident and the whole family is having a hard time. Without telling them the father sells the house and their boat so they can sail all summer around the caribbean. He gives a book to Ben about engineering so he can be in charge of that. He gives another book to Gerry about navigating. Ben is upset that his dad packed up all the things that their mom had givin them. Ben is becoming angry with his dad bossing him around and wants to leave. Then their dad disapears and Ben is now trying to make dicisions on his own.
Conflict and resolution
The conflict Ben has to face is that he is now on his own with no parents and he has to try to find his way to survive with his brother. I haven't finished the book yet to find out how he does that
I think the theme of this book is courage and not giving up on your family no matter how drastic the situation is
I think this is a great book to read, it makes you want to keep reading to see what happens next
By: M.H Herlong