CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RI.9-10.1 Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what
the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.
• CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RI.9-10.2 Determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze in detail its
development over the course of the text, including how it emerges and is shaped and refined by specific details.
A constructed response is a paragraph assignment in which you take a position on an idea, and use evidence from the text you are reading to support that position.
In the article, "Codetalking" by Paul B. Janeczko, there are many details that could have been added to the passage to help the readers better understand an important idea.
The author could have added some examples of words to help clarify the many steps it takes to decode a word.
The author of the article, "The Navajo" explains, "For instance, the Navajo word be-la-sana, which means "apple," stood for the English letter A" (Marcello 1).
By adding not only the pronunciation, but the English letter it stands for, the author helps the reader understand vocabulary and get a feel for the complex language. It also helps the reader understand how the Native Americans language contributed to the U.S. side during the war.
MLA Format Example:
Your Name
Ms. VanDuysen
English 9
07 January 2014
Constructed Response
Using Evidence to Support our Ideas
In the article, "Codetalking" by Paul B. Janeczko, there are many details that could have been added to the passage to help the readers better understand an important idea. The author could have added some examples of words to help clarify the many steps it takes to use codes to communicate during the war. For example, the author of the article, "The Navajo" explains, "The Navajo word be-la-sana, which means "apple," stood for the English letter A" (Marcello 1). By adding not only the pronunciation, but the English letter it stands for, the author helps the reader understand vocabulary and get a feel for the complex language. It also helps the reader understand how the Native Americans language contributed to the U.S. side during the war.
The Concluding sentence is the last sentence in your paragraph. This sentence re-states the claim, and provides closure to the paragraph.
Do Now:
Let's review....
In your journals answer the following questions:
- What are the components of an effective paragraph?
- List some common transition words learned last class.
After each quote, you must write
a sentence or two that EXPLAINS
how the quote proves the CLAIM.
- Checklist:
- Uses TAG in your topic sentence
- Uses at least one quote per paragraph
- Uses at least 2 transitional words/phrases
- Uses MLA when citing evidence (quotation marks, author and page # in parenthesis after the quote)
- Maintains the 3rd person (DO NOT USE "I' OR 'YOU")
Constructed Response Prompt:
Highlight the next paragraph
- Read these articles about secret language, "Codetalking," and "The Navajo." Then answer the following:
Explain what information could have been added to the passage "Codetalking" from "The Navajo" to help a reader better understand an important idea in the article. In your response, use information from the article that supports your explanation.
Using the model, we are going to go back and label the parts of an effective constructed response.
Highlight the topic sentence in pink.
Highlight the explanation in yellow.
Highlight the example in green.
Highlight the clincher sentence in blue.
You must provide 2 quotes from the
text that support the CLAIM in your topic sentence.
Please include proper MLA citation including Author and Page Number.
Provide context: What is happening in the story when the quote is stated.
Independent Practice
Explain which article more effectively uses words and phrases to persuade a reader about the value of the contributions of Native Americans during World War II. In your response use information from the article that supports your explanation.
Exit Ticket:
Name one essential component of a constructed response. Explain why it is an important part of your response.