The story of Scarlet Nitrogen
Scarlet Florence is a professional deep-sea diver. She has always been the one to never give up and try new things. Scarlet has always been fond of diving for lost treasure. So fond of it that she didn’t know that she could get sick from diving. That sickness is called Decompression Sickness. What she didn’t know was that the site her boss chose was a dump site for liquid nitrogen.
I was sitting is my living room looking over the map that we will be diving for tomorrow. I’ve looked over this map for the millionth time and I was relieved to hear the phone ring. I got up and started to reach for the phone, I started to feel dizzy and then I lost feeling in my fingers. I tried to grab the phone but I couldn’t get a grip around it so I tried to push the answer button and then the speaker button with my nose. And then I heard a hello, “Hello?” I knew it was my best friend and diving partner, Catherine, so I screamed help to let her know I was in trouble. By this time, I had a severe headache. Then, Catherine came through the door and started yelling at me to open my eyes. I tried responding but I was thinking clearly. So she pulled me into her car and I think she drove me to the hospital. I was in so much pain to pay attention.
My element power, Nitrogen, is an odorless, tasteless, and colorless gas. Nitrogen can be about anywhere. This gas can also change from liquid to solid and back to gas.
Description (continued)
My element power is mostly common in the Earth's crust. Of the atmosphere, about 78% is Nitrogen. When Nitrogen is heated, the element can be combined with Magnesium, Lithium, and Calcium.
- Atomic Number: 7
- Mass Number: 14
- Nonmetals
- Symbol: N
The story of Scarlet Nitrogen
I wake up on a bed that’s very uncomfortable. It feels like I have an IV in my arm. And I hear a faint beeping in the back. I open my eyes and I see Catherine with her holding her hands. “Water.” I tried saying but came out as a whisper. “Water.” I tried saying louder. She moved and then looked upward and saw that I was trying to call her. She got up really quickly and grabbed the water bottle and poured the water in my mouth. I couldn’t even feel anything, I was still numb. Then I hear a door opening and the doctor comes in with his clipboard. “How are you feeling? I’m Doctor Frank Wes.” I couldn’t open my mouth so I looked to Catherine and I heard her saying that I just woke up. “Good. Your friend brought you here saying that you looked sick and that there was something seriously wrong with you.” I looked at Catherine and tried to mouth the words “thank you”. But I’m pretty sure I looked foolish. “ We ran some test and it seems like you have Decompression Sickness.” I’ve heard that before. Our boss was telling us about that we have to be careful because Decompression can lead to something horrible. Now I know what he was talking about. “Do you know what that is?” Catherine answered, “Yea, and I told her to be careful and stop diving in cold water.” “You have a good friend. And yes, diving in cold water can make you have a higher risk of getting this sickness. At this time, I was scared that I might die. “The good news is that you have a strong immune system and might be able to fight this off. The bad news is that there is also a probability that you may not be able to dive ever again.” My heart shattered. Never be able to dive ever again, diving is my life.
For the next couple of months I stayed at the hospital and fought against decompression sickness. It is very tiring but Cath came and was great company and that made everything better. The next day, I felt like I was unstoppable. That I could do anything and nobody could stop me.
Five years later…
I heard a fire truck, ambulance, and police faintly. I turn on the news and there is a fire in the Ridgewood apartment complex. I quickly transformed to liquid, sucking out all of the oxygen from the complex fire. The fire immediately died out. Then I went home because the fire department can handle the rest. I have learned to adapt to my power. The day they realized that there was nitrogen in my system, they tried to fix me. But what they don’t realize is that nitrogen cannot be fixed by humans, plants, or animals. I looked it up. Nitrogen can be fixed by certain bacteria. They take nitrogen out of the air and dissolve it to make protein molecules. They also didn’t know that we all rely on these bacteria to make these molecules, nitrates, to make protein. I never realized but nitric oxide combines with oxygen and water to make nitric acid, which is carried to the earth by rain and creates metals in the Earth’s crust and makes nitrates. Also 78% of the atmosphere is nitrogen. But those are only some of the things the doctors didn’t know about the power I have. And I hope to continue educating them as soon as I learn new things about nitrogen. And that’s how I became Scarlet Nitrogen.
Legend has it , that my power was discovered by a man who goes by the name of Daniel Rutherford. This man was a physician, chemist, and botanist. He discovered Nitrogen at the time of 1772.
Historical perspectives