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What is it?

Why is it


Timeline of Immigration Policies in US history

Era of Enganche

Era of Deportations

Bracero Era

Era of Undocumented Migration

The Great Divide

Cause &






Test time!



Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986

IRCA drives immigrants to work for cheap

-->Thus forcing them to remain in poverty with no benefits

-->Working under the table

Article 1: All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.

Article 5: No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.

Article 14: Everyone has the right to seek and to enjoy in other countries asylum from persecution.

Applied? Yes!

The law sought to preserve jobs for those who are legally entitled to them—American citizens and alien authorized

US used this time to create this smoke and mirrors effect to the world: their citizens and immigrants

It was a new revision of Americas immigration laws in decades--> Regulate more!

Makes it more difficult for immigrants to cross

-->Suffering heat strokes, starvation, dehydration, even death

-->Victims of crimes such as robbery, assault, and rape

1. Address border enforcement

2. Address national security

3. Allow for the integration of labor

markets to continue

4. Allow for legalization of undocumented


Programa Paisano: “seeks to protect the property

and civil liberties of returning migrants”

Grupo Beta: “a special police force that polices

the border and protects the rights of

undocumented migrants”

Employers are under watch!

Immigrants soon undergo discrimination

Employers could not hire undocumented

People and the already hired went through


Why did it come about?



-regulates border control

Wanted to fix the immigration policies due to influx of migrants during "Undocumented era

-leads to drastic measures to cross

Passed in order to control and deter illegal immigration to the United States.

-legalized many undocumented citizens

-undocumented immigrants lost their jobs

Article 3: Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.

Faked an immigration "crisis"

Article 23: Everyone has the right to work, to free choice of employment, to just and favorable conditions of work, protection against unemployment, right to equal pay for equal work.

Article 13: Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each state. Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country

"America wanted to have its cake, and eat it too"

What are two organizations that help fight for immigrant rights?

What is one effect of the IRCA?

What does IIRIRA stand for?

Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act

Poor and Equal pay

Programa Paisano & Grupo Beta

Led the pathway to create the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act (IIRIRA) of 1996

-->Routine deportations

-->Separations of parents and minor children

-->Leaving children in foster homes

Under the UDHR, do immigrants have the right to equal pay?

Under the UDHR, do immigrants have the right to travel to whatever country they please?

Say no to amnesty was something the IRCA act encouraged?

True / False



What came about because of IRCA?


Increased law enforcement

Its major provisions stipulate legalization of undocumented aliens who had been continuously unlawfully present since 1982, legalization of certain agricultural workers, sanctions for employers who knowingly hire undocumented workers, and increased _______________________________.

The employers were required to verify their employees after 1986 and had to use the INS 1-9 form?

True / False

IRCA was the act that led employers to stop hiring undocumented workers.

True / False


Enforcement at US Borders

Major Provisions:

What year was IRCA signed into law?

The Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 ushered a new era of restrictive border patrol and sanctioned against employers who knowingly hired undocumented migrants. However to gain support from civil rights organizations, immigrant advocacy groups, and Latino lobbies, IRCA did not authorize an amnesty for long-term undocumented residents, and came about a legalization program for undocumented farm workers.

True / False

IRCA gave off a false sense of protection and enforcement at the border, but really only worsened immigration as a whole.


- legalization of undocumented aliens who had been continuously and unlawfully present since 1982

- legalization of certain agricultural workers

- sanctions for employers who knowingly hire undocumented workers

- increased enforcement at U.S. borders.






Passing of IRAC in 1986 ushered in a false sense of security from border control




-->political symbolism

harsh policies that treated workers as closely to enslavement as possible

Allowed temporary immigrants for farm work, known as the braceros

Agricultural employers relied on Mexican workers for cheaper pay, but now Mexican workers want better for themselves

gave up reliance on Mexican agricultural workers and used police force to keep migration low (reduced it by 41 percent!)

Also, organized mass roundups to reassure voters the border was under control

Cap on how many visas are granted between Hispanics left Mexicans at a disadvantage

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