Relational Turbulence
Military Couples
Causes of Relational Turbulence
The Model's Versatility
Causes of Relational Turbulence
The person experiencing relational uncertainty and interference from their partner relies on both indirect and assertive messages.
- Indirect- avoiding, passive aggressive towards the issue
- Assertive messages- being up front and blatant
(Knobloch & Theiss, 2014)
Research of military couples during homecoming from deployment.
Results: Relational uncertainty and interference from partners as predictors of people's reintegration difficulty during transition.
This model demonstrates its versatility by showing that it can be used in MANY different settings and circumstances.
Just a few studies are:
- Theiss, Estlein, & Weber, 2013
- Nagy & Theiss, 2013
- Weber & Solomon, 2008
- Steuber & Solomon, 2008, 2012
- Knobloch, Pusateri, Ebata, & McGlaughlin, in press
Interference from partners
- Occurs when a partner's interruption disrupts a person's ability to accomplish a goal
Facilitation from partners
- Arises when a partner's interruption helps a person achieve a goal
Researchers using the model have linked interference from partners to both cognitive and emotional markers of turmoil.
- They consider hurtful events to be more intentional and more damaging to their relationship.
Sources of interference:
- Managing everyday routines
- Completing domestic tasks
- Distributing control
- Feeling smothered
- Parenting
- Negotiating differences between partners
- Coordinating social activities
- Prioritizing time together
Issues of relational uncertainty:
- Sustain commitment
- Integrate daily routines
- Divide household chores
- Adapt to personality shifts
- Negotiate sexual intimacy
- Protect the service member's physical and emotional health
- Communicate well
- Evidence from this model suggests that relational uncertainty may underlie tumult during times of transition.
- Berscheid (1983, 1991) argued that relationship development occurs as people intertwine their lives - first during the acquaintance process and again whenever major changes arise.
- Disturbances inevitably transpire as individuals insert and re-insert themselves into each other's daily routines.
Outside Studies
Results of Relationship Uncertainty
Using the Relational Turbulence Model to Understand Negative Emotion within Courtship
By: Leanne K. Knobloch and Erin Donovan-Kicken
How Communication is Conceptualized in the Relational Turbulence Model
What does theory do?
This theory can be applied to the study of relationship development, in order to understand how communication about uncertainty, perceptions of uncertainty, and time impact the intimacy individuals feel about their developing relationships.
Relationships studied could be friends, dating partners, or any type of close relationship.
- They find them more upsetting
- Irritations are more severe
- Hurtful episodes are more distressing
- Sexual intimacy is less fulfilling
- Social network members appear to be less supportive of their relationship
Individuals grappling with relational uncertainty are more prone to:
- Anger
- Sadness
- Fear
- Jealousy
- Relational uncertainty and questions can occur at anytime during the relationship.
- Relational uncertainty is minimal at low levels of intimacy.
- Relational uncertainty is promoted at times of transition from casual dating to serious involvement.
- Relational uncertainty may lessen once mutual commitment is established.
Personal Relationships, 13 (2006), 281-302. Printed in the United States of America.
Time and Communication
Communication has a central place in the relational turbulence model. Peoples communication can initiate transitions (example, Will you marry me question)
The model has focused on how mechanisms of relational turbulence predict communication outcomes via both message production and message processing.
The other key concept in testing the relational turbulence model is the idea of time, or recognizing uncertainty (self, partner, and relationship) and communication as occurring and unfolding over time.
The final key concept in the relationship turbulence model is intimacy, or perceptions of closeness.
Main Goals and Features of the Relational Turbulence Model
Aspects of Relational Turbulence
Research and Practical Applications of the Relational Turbulence Model
Henry and Susan
- The model argues that relational uncertainty sparks reactivity, because people lack information to guide the sense-making process.
- When individuals are confronted with questions about their relationship, they have difficulty both producing and processing messages.
Relational Turbulence Model
- This model identifies relational uncertainty as an intrapersonal foundation underlying turmoil when relationships are in flux.
- Relational uncertainty refers to the degree of confidence (or lack of confidence) that individuals have in their judgements about the nature of their relationships.
The relationship turbulence model originated in the context of dating partners navigating the transition from casual dating to serious involvement.
Three Forms of Uncertainty
- Indexes people's questions about their own investment in the relationship
Partner Uncertainty
- Denotes how unsure individuals are about their partner's participation in the relationship
Relationship Uncertainty
- Entails ambiguity about the nature of the relationship itself
Questions for the Model
2 Characteristics of Relationship Development Progression
When does a transition begin and end?
- Model has yet to define the conditions that mark the beginning and the end of the transition
- This question will be answered once more longitudinal data has been gathered over a longer period of time
What is Relational Turbulence?
Quantitative change perspective
- Relationships change in degree
- Characteristic changes
- intimacy
- self-disclosure
- uncertainty
- commitment
- Relationships don't change in kind
Questions for the Model
- Encompasses tumult, upheaval, and turmoil
- Proposes that individuals are cognitively, emotionally, and behaviorally reactive to dyadic circumstances during transition
- Transition (Quantitative)
- Coincide with escalated volatility
How is relational turbulence manifest in conversation?
- More is known about global features of conversation than micro features
- Research has been conducted on interplay within dyads- demonstrates that individuals are responsive to each other's experiences of relational uncertainty and interference from partners
Considered a sound theory because the strengths outweigh the weaknesses.
Evaluation of the Relational Turbulence Model
Intellectual Tradition of the Relational Turbulence Model
- Integrates both qualitative and quantitative change perspective of relationship development
- Assimilates both interpersonal and intrapersonal explanations for upheaval during times of transition
- Model lends itself to investigation through many diverse types of research and types of inquiry
- Research- Questionnaires, interviews, observations, etc.
- Inquiry- qualitative and quantitative methods
Continuing the Conversation
To translate the model into evidence-based programming, researchers will need to collaborate with clinicians, practitioners, and educators with the common goal of helping individuals communicate effectively when there are changes in their relationship.
Origin: Interpersonal Communication and psychology
Tradition: Post Positivist
Practical applications are possible
How could this model be used to help people navigate times of transition more constructively?
- Infertile couples- recognizing the issues of relational uncertainty and interference
- Military couples- could do better after return from deployment if they learn how to anticipate questions about involvement and work on routines that could now create difficulty
2 Characteristics of Relationship Development Progression
Continuing the Conversation
Conceptualizing Relationship Development
- Empty-nest couples- knowledgeable about the changes in their relationship, issues of relational uncertainty, and sources of interference from partners that are likely to transpire
- Individuals with depression- could enhance the well-being of their romantic relationship if they understood how to handle dyadic ambiguity and manage disruptions from partners.
Qualitative change perspective
- Assume relationships exist in static form until a major change happens
- Relationship development has fixed set of stages with unique features
Transition (Qualitative)
- Discontinuous phase in the progression of relationship that corresponds with changes in how partners think, feel, and behave
- Transforms how people define their relationship and behave toward each other
- People become vigilant about their partner
- Intense reactions to minor occurrences
Communicating During Times of Transition
By: Danielle Bean, Rebekah Gilligan, Lura Rylant, Carol-Lynn Shelby and Heather Sims.