By:Alana Leggett
When Rapunzel knocks Flynn outwith a frying pan.
Rapunzel's hair is shimmering gold.
Rapunzel - Spirited girl who is in her late teens, kind, smart, playful, and naive.
Rising action
- The Queen becomes ill and the kingdom is on a mission to find the magical flower to keep the Queen and Rapunzel alive.
- Mother Gothel finds out about the magical flower and wants it for herself to make her look young.
- Rapunzel was born and Mother Gothel kidnapped Rapunzel because she has the magical hair.
- Rapunzel leaves the tower with Flynn.
- Flynn finds out about Rapunzel's magical hair.
- Rapunzel meets Maximus a horse and a group of tough guys who have a dream.
- Rapunzel and Flynn reached the kingdom and Rapunzel got to see the floating lights on her 18th birthday.
Inciting Incident
- Rapunzel meets Flynn Rider and knocks him out with a pan.
- Rapunzel forces Flynn to take her to see the floating lights in exchange to give the crown back to Flynn.
- The kingdom is rejoicing the missing princess returned.
- Flynn and Rapunzel got married.
- They lived happily ever after.
Rapunzel's pet lizard Pascal.
- Rapunzel realizes she's the missing princess and her mother has been lying to her the whole time.
- Mother Gothel stabs Flynn.
- Flynn cuts Rapunzel's long hair and all the magic disappeared.
Falling action
Mother Gothel - Mean old woman who keeps Rapunzel to make her look young forever.
- Flynn's alive.
- Mother Gothel is dead.
- Rapunzel reunites with her parents.
Rapunzel is like a bird trapped in a cage.
When Rapunzel and Flynn
go to a pub full of scary guys and everybody starts singing i have a dream.
External conflict- Rapunzel's mother wont let her go outside the tower to see the floating lights.
Internal conflict- Rapunzel wants to go see the floating lights but by doing that she will break her moms heart but if she goes she will be fulfilling her dream.