... small
Big and....
Communist Manifesto
Old Major and Karl Marx
Inventors of Communism
Work Cited
The Dream
Orwell, George. "Animal Farm". New York: Penguin Group, 1946.
The Rebellion
- Reminded him of a song his mother used to sing called "Beast of England"
- This song was based on "God save the Queen" to unite a nation.
- Both Marx and Old Major knew it was bound to happen
- Both of them didn't get to witness the uprising.
- But it didn't turn out quite as they envisioned it.
- "sooner or later justice will be served" (Orwell 7).
The Connection
- Both Old Major and Karl Marx came up with the idea of animalism/communism
- They thought their leaders were doing wrong
- So they thought of a world without the corruption.
Karl Marx
The Communist Dream
Old Major's Speech' Commandment
- He wrote "The Communist Manifesto"
- It laid out the purposes and program of the Communist League.
- He predicted that all nations would soon become communist
Old Major
- Oldest animal on farm
- He spoke of a future with no man
"No Animal in England knows the meaning of happiness and leisure"(Orwell 5).
"Man is the only real enemy we have" (Orwell 6).