- Mouth
- Removes harmful substances from the blood
- Liver
- Esophagus
- Saliva
- The digestive process starts in the?
- What does the liver do?
- Bile is made in the?
- What tube moves the food from the back of your throat to the stomach?
- When you chew food what is squirted into your mouth?
- largest gland
- produce a serous, watery secretion.
The Digestive System
The Oral Cavity's Function
submandibular gland:
- The secretion is a mixture serous and mucous
submandibular gland: located under the tongue; The secretion is a mixture of serous and mucous.
Produces 70% of all saliva, even though it is much smaller than the parotid gland.
Salivary Glands
- The teeth mash up the food.
- The tongue mixes the chewed food with saliva.
- During swallowing, the tongue pushes the food to the back of the throat, into the pharynx.
- The presence of food triggers a nervous reflex that causes the salivary glands to deliver saliva through some ducts and into the mouth.
- Saliva helps with the breaking down of the food.
- Three types of salivary glands:
- partoid
- submandibular
- sublingual
The Oral Cavity Structure
The oral cavity consists of:
- teeth
- tongue
- salivary glands
- palate
Pharynx Function
Pharynx Structure
- A juncture that opens to both the esophagus and trachea.
- Fibromuscular tube that extends from the base of the skull to the esophagus.
- Swallowing takes place here.
- It closes off the trachea so that food does not fall into it and choke you.
Esophagus Structure
Esophagus Function
Disorders and Diseases
- It is the passage for food to travel to the stomach with help of the:
- Peristalsis: a series of wavelike muscle contractions that propel food in one direction.
- A muscular tube extending from the pharynx and behind the trachea to the stomach.
- Before the opening to the stomach, there is an important ring-shaped muscle called the lower esophageal sphincter (LES).
- Barrett's Esophagus: Normal cell structures in the Esophagus are replaced by simple goblet cells (Secrete huge amounts of mucus). (Surgey and Radiofrequency ablation).
- Esophageal cancer (adenocarcinoma) (85%)
- Gastroesophageal reflex disease:
- Acidic stomach contents back up into the esophagus, causing irritation and heartburn (Surgery and Medication).
- Western world
10 and 20% of the population is affected
Liver Structure
Fat Emulsification : breaking up fats to
increase surface area
Bile Production
- Bile: yellow-green alkaline solution that consists of:
- water
- bile salts
- bile acids
- phospholipids
- cholesterol
- pigments
- electrolytes
- Metabolizes toxic substances.
- Removes/stores iron and vitamins.
- Produces proteins in blood plasma.
- Controls cholesterol levels.
- Stores glucose as glycogen.
- Breaks down glycogen and releases ammonia as a byproduct.
- Jowett, Shrestha, 1998. Mucosa and taste buds of the human epiglottis. Journal of Anatomy 193(Pt 4): 617–618 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1467887/
- Newton, W. (1837). "The invention of certain improvements in the manufacture of soap, which will be particularly applicable to the felting of woollen cloths.". The London Journal Of Arts And Sciences; And Repertory Of Patent Inventions IX: 289. Checked 2014-05-10. http://www.google.co.uk/books?vid=0MfyvmoTsdK02ZeP86W&id=GhMAAAAAMAAJ&pg=RA19-PA291&lpg=RA19-PA291&dq=bile+soap&as_brr=1#v=onepage&q=bile%20soap&f=false
- Smithuis, Robin. "Anatomy of the liver segments". Radiology Assistant.Checked 2014-05-10 http://www.radiologyassistant.nl/en/p4375bb8dc241d/anatomy-of-the-liver-segments.html
- Guillaume, Jean; Praxis Publishing, Sadasivam Kaushik, Pierre Bergot, Robert Metailler (2001). Nutrition and Feeding of Fish and Crustaceans
- "New Research Redraws Pancreas Anatomy". Checked 2014-05-10 http://medicalxpress.com/news/2011-07-redraws-pancreas-anatomy.html
- McBroom, A. J.; Kuehn, M. J. (2007). "Release of outer membrane vesicles by Gram-negative bacteria is a novel envelope stress response http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1868505/
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page
- https://www.google.com.mx/?gfe_rd=cr&ei=eXFuU8nPKsqS8Qf0jYD4Ag
- https://sketchfab.com/models/0ec73121e6734880a8de5cdf0ce1db7e
Stomach :
Disorders and Diseases
- Storage.
- Mechanical breakdown of ingested food and chemical bonds through enzymes and acids.
- Production of Intrinsic Factor necessary for absorption of B12.
- Hepatitis: inflammation, commonly caused by viruses, transmitted via
- (A) contaminated food/water
- (B) sexual contact
- (C) contact with infected blood
- Cancer,Alcohol Damage, Drug Damage
- Cirrhosis: Fatty tissue replaced by scar tissue
- Rest (A,E)
- Medication (B,C)(Might be needed in all of them)
- B,C,D might need liver transplant
The opening of the esophagus into the stomach.
destroys bacteria and alters pH levels.
Hydrochloric Acid:
enzymes that break down ingested food.
one way valve connects from esophagus
to the stomach.
Muscularis externa:
smooth muscle that contracts in wall of stomach.
(LES) does not tighten enough or opens too often.
- Churns (Mixes) food, acid, and enzyme.
- Prevent intestinal content from reentering the stomach when the small intestine contracts.
- Limits the passage of large particles or undigested material to enter the intestine.
Main job is to expand and make room for more food.
Parietal cells:
produces Hydrochloric acids and intrinsic factor.
produces pepsin and lipase.
Chief cells:
Mucus cells:
Gallbladder Structure
Disorders and Diseases
Gallbladder Function
- Removes water and ions from bile for higher concentration.
- When not digesting, pancreatic obiliary sphincter closes to block bile access to the duodenum.
- Cholesterol content of bile can crystallize into gallstones that blocks the passageway to the small intestine
- Leads to
- indigestion, infection, pain, nausea, vomiting
- Jaundice: yellowing of skin
- Liver damage
Most common way to treat : surgical Removal
Very rare and usually happens because acid levels are inconsistent.
Bacteria and viruses increase the amount of liquid
secreted in the stomach and makes it flow too quickly.
-Food remains inactive in stomach.
- If no soon treatment, then blood will
start to leak and vomiting blood can
begin to happen.
Structure of Pancreas
Function of Pancreas
Diseases & Disorder of Pancreas
- Pancreatic Cancer
- Lack of insulin production can lead to Diabetes Mellitus
- Type I: Metabolizes fat instead of glucose, increases blood acidity
- Type II: Adipose tissue impairs insulin receptors, insulin resistant cells
- Produces digestive enzymes for the small intestine
- Produces vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP) (Hormone)
- relaxes gastrointestinal tract
- triggers hormone release from pancreas
- breaks down fat and glycogen
- stimulates bile flow
- Hormone Somatostatin: Limits and controls insulin and glucogen production.
Medical treatment and therapy
Small Intestine
Function of Small Intestine
- Finishes the process of chemical digestion
- Breaks down food using enzymes released
from the pancreas and bile from the liver.
Large intestine
- Absorbs H20, salts and some vitamins
- Stores undigested material until it is eliminated as feces
Each part:
Structure & Function of Appendix
- Storage of healthy bacteria to replace bacteria purged after dysentery (Inflammation of the colon)
- Removal of appendix has no adverse affects