Author´s Biography
- Author: Evelyn Waugh:
- Born in October, 1903
- He served in the British armed forces during Second World War.
- Before Second World War, his works were based on the upper-class; he was against the upper-class being considered superior.
- Author´s biography
- Plot
- Theme
- Subject matter
- Symbolism
- Setting
- Main characters
- Point of view
- Atmosphere. Tone
- Language
- Opinion and Questions
Mr Moping
Angela Moping
Lord Moping
Mr Loveday
Lord Moping was sent to.....
Years later,Lady Moping....
In this asylum,Angela......
- madness
- Social classes
- Relationships
"You will wonder, why Mr.Loveday,"so kind" is in the asylum?"
Subject Matter:
Nothing is what it seems...
"Lord Morping habitually threatened suicide on the occasion of the garden party"
Evelyn Waugh 1903-1966
lower class
Social classes:
The rich are separated from the poor.
For example: Lord Moping wasn't an ordinary inmate. he lived in a separate wing of the asylum...
upper class
Language :
The story use vocabulary relected to
- Uniforms, asylum,inmates,
- great coats, lunatics.
- cuckoo
It represent the behavior of a person that are deviated from those that are considering like "normal"
Final Slides
Atmosphere and tone
Personal Opinion
- Lady Moping
- Lord Moping
- Angela Moping
- Mr loveday
- Angela´s mother, Lord´ s wife.
- Short and old lady.
- Vain and selfish woman.
She only thinks about what others will say.
*Black humorous
Lord Moping
- Little and old man with white hair.
- He creates falses impression.
- Double sided man.
- He had secrets and ambitions.
- Lord Moping´s secretary.
He convinced everyone with his kindness.
- Angela´s father.
- Old and tall man.
- Reserved man.
- He was an inmate
- He lost his lucidity.
"I don´t know what we should do without old Loveday,
Everybody loves him, staff and patients alike
Angela Moping
- Young and tall woman
- Innocent.
- Easy to deceive but determinated.
- Desaffectioned towards her father,
"Country home for mental
Social Contrast:
Point of view
- Omniscient
- This story is told in third person. Singular
Mr Loveday ´s Little Outing