John Krumboltz
Learning Theory of Career Counseling
Happenstance Theory
Happenstance Theory
Applying the Happenstance Approach
with clients
Let's hear from John!
Normalize Happenstance
Assist client in transforming curiosity
Teach your client to create chance
Teach client to overcome blocks to action
Advocate energetic open-mindedness
Finding meaning in chance events
Problems Counselors should address:
If the Client....
Primary influences that lead
to career choice:
- doesn’t realize a _problem_ exists
- fails to _exert effort_ to make a decision
- _rejects_ potentially satisfying alternative
or inappropriate reasons.
- chooses _poor_ alternatives for
inappropriate reasons
-suffers anguish and anxiety over
_perceived ability_ to achieve
5 critical client skills
which create chance
Chance events over one’s life span
can have both positive and negative
Unpredictable social factors,
environmental conditions, and chance events
over the life span are to be recognized as important
influences in clients’ lives.
Counselors assist clients respond to
conditions and events in a
positive manner.
1. Generalization of self
2. Skills developed to cope with environment
3. Career-entry behavior
Risk Taking
Counselor Interventions
4 Factors
Help clients acquire more accurate self-observation generalizations
Help clients acquire more accurate worldview generalizations
Learn new task approach skills
Take appropriate career-related actions
Learning Theory of Career Counseling
Learning takes place through _Observation_ as well as direct experiences
Genetic Endowment
Environmental Conditions
Learning Experiences
Task-Approach skills
Instrumental learning experiences
Associative learning experiences