Vachnamrut Gadhada III-7
What is Faith?
- If we have faith in the satpurush, then there is no need to doubt and fear
- What is faith?
- faith means that god listens and god answers
- faith in others, yourself and god
- life has many challenges but we can tackle them if we believe in ourself and have faith
- "When we bend our knees to pray, God bends his ear to listen"
- 1994 in the poconos
- question- " How can we solve our problems? By dhyan or prayer?"
- answer- "It depends upon faith. If we have firm faith and do either, we will surely find a solution. We should think, 'The prayer, I am offering is sincere. The God I am praying to is true."
Incidents Highlighting Paksha
- Amidst Reputation change
- Rajabhai of khorasa
- “What a lack of hospitality and duty. Is it too much to ask her to feed the sadhus? Our only true and permanent relative is Maharaj and his sadhus. Now I can no longer stay in the clothes of a householder!"
- sold everything left for gadhada
- Amidst Death
- 2 brothers lived in Gundadi
- Paramhanso had visited their home
- and the local darbar didn't like it so he sent men to kick them out
- Meraman and Mamaiya went and killed the darbar
- local herdsmen then killed the brothers
- Maharaj said “These two brothers sacrificed their lives for my sadhus. Their paksha is commendable. Both brothers will reside in my dham.”
Incident Highlighting Faith in the Satpurush
- Shastriji Maharaj after touring Gujarat went to Sarangpur
- work of mandir was going on
- Soma Bhagat and Aksharpurush Swami were strong that they could lift the rocks like a flower
- 6 ropes holding one stone, but starting break one rope at a time
- they all starting doing dhoon
- Shasriji Maharaj sent soma bhagat to climb on top and tie the ropes back together
- Soma bhagat was strong, but to climb a stone that was left only on one rope was not easy
- he had to have faith
- Soma Bhagat had full faith, and without any doubt he finished the task
- Swamishri's favorite Vachnamrut
- Bapa spent his entire life loyal to god and his gurus and never had a doubt on their words
- What is the analogy Shriji Maharaj gives?
- What three things should our loyalty to god and his sant persist through?
Where does faith come from?
- Soma Bhagat's faith is the faith that is needed to attached ourselves and minds to god
- Maharaj states:
- “I shall now tell you My innermost principle...Just as a person is profoundly attached to his own body, he should be similarly attached to God and His Sant. One should also remain absolutely loyal to the Bhakta of God. But in no way should one abandon one’s loyalty to God and His Bhakta, even if while keeping that loyalty one’s reputation increases or decreases, or one is honored or insulted, or one lives or dies.”
- Robert Scott, british explorer set a voyage to the South pole
- Vach. Gad. III-7
- "Therefore one who has taken firm refuge in the manifest form of God should not harbor the following fear in one's mind: 'What if I become a ghost of an evil spirit, or attain the realm of Indra or the realm of Brahma after I die?' One should not harbor such doubts in one's mind. Moreover, that devotee should firmly keep his min at the holy feet of God. Just as an iron nail that is firmly affixed to an iron surface can never be separated, one's mind should be firmly fixed at the holy feet of God."