Self-Regulation Tool-kit
- Deep breathing
- Stress ball or fidget
- Take a break
- Draw or write it out
- Listen to calming music
- Noise reducing headphones
- Put head down on table (rest)
- Kari Dunn Buron’s Five Point Scale
Studies of LSCI
Isolate- the student
Explore-the students point of view
Summarize- the students feelings and content of what was said
Connect-Students feeling with behavior
Alternative-alternative behaviors explored
Practice-New behavior to be used in future
Enter- Student back into regular routine
- Michelle Helfand of Rochester Institute of Technology- Negative behaviors contribute to teacher stress.
- McCombie and Freado-LSI effects on student relationship
- Forthun, Payne, and McCombie- Final results on implementation research
Redl, F., & Bernstein, M. (1963). The life space interview in the school setting—Workshop, 1961: 1. Life space interview in the school setting. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 33(4), 717-719.
Emotional Disturbance, The LEAD Center. (2008). Retrieved March 2, 2016, from
Buron, K. D., & Curtis, M. (2016). Resource Gallery of Interventions Incredible 5-Point Scale. Retrieved March 03, 2016, from
Therapeutic Crisis Intervention (Cornell University TCI). (2013). Retrieved March 03, 2016, from
Life Space Interview
By Jaclyn Harris
Clinical exploration of life events
Fritz Redl
1. Reality rub
2.Value repair and restoration
3. Symptom estrangement
4. New tool salesmanship
5. Manipulation of boundaries of the self
- Redl, a pioneer of psychoeducational interventions created LSI in the early 1900's developing his theories with juvenile delinquents.
- LSI was originally a clinical tool used to offer immediate, supportive, help during crisis.
- There are two types of LSI both of which are considered "here and now" reactions to an event. The first being "and "immediate first aid on the spot" and "clinical exploration of life events."
What is a crisis?
Budlong defines crisis as "a sudden change in the balance of an individual or in the order of a social system."
The Chinese translation of the word ‘crisis’ actually consists of two separate characters which literally mean ‘danger’ and ‘opportunity’
Emotional First Aid on the Spot
1. Drain off frustration acidity
2. Support for the management of emotions
3. Communication maintenance
4. Regulation of behavior and social traffic
5. Umpire services