Study Revisited: 2002
- Armadillo main prey item, followed by pacas
- Increased prey on peccaries
- Conclusion: Armadillos still remain a main part of diet, however have decreased in overall contribution to diet. Peccaries, which was a minor food source, became a major food source. This is believed to be the result of protecting these animals which were popular game species. Fewer prey species variety was found in 2002.
2008 study
In unprotected fragmented forests in Belize, jaguar diet consisted of small prey with supplementation of larger domestic animals, such as cattle.
Not only is jaguar habitat being destroyed by humans, but jaguar are turning to livestock to satisfy their dietary needs.
Dietary differences
- In a study conducted in 1986, jaguar diet was evaluated through scat
- Armadillos, paca, and anteater were most common prey species
- Opportunistic predators with diet depending on abundance of prey species
- carnivorous
- highly variable with over 85 species across their geographical range
- main prey: deer, peccary, large rodents, armadillos, and coatis
The True King of the Jungle
- There are an estimated 200 Jaguar in CBWS, the highest concentration in the world
- 3rd largest big cat
- classified as endangered due to deforestation and hunting
- In Belize, Jaguar are a protected species
About the Forest
- Annual rainfall: 100-180 inches
- High humidity, due to to low winds and high temperatures
- Distinguished from equitorial rainforest by a cooler, dry season
- Canopy height ranges from 40-100 ft
People in the Park
- Popular tourist destination due to incredible biodiversity and activites
- Nature trails, river tubing, camping, swimming, and hiking
- Home to many species of amphibians, insects, plants and flowers, snakes, mammals, and birds (over 300 species of birds alone!)
to the Jungle
- established as Forest Preserve in 1984
- became world's first and only Jaguar Preserve in 1986
- 150 sq miles of tropical forest
- contains Mayan ceremonial site and Victoria Peak (highest mountain in Belize)
Cockscomb Basin Wildlife Sanctuary (CBWS)
Olivia Heron