How does the baby Change as it grows into an adult
what does the animal look like when its young ?
When the tree kangaroo is young and devloup in its mother pouch its look dark brown.Its arms and legs looks light brown and its nails look dark brown as well.
The tree kangaroo legs start to get bigger as it grows. Then its body starts to turn light and brown.Also their tails start to get bigger and longer.
tree kangaroos
where does it live?
How does the animal communicate?
by janiya smith
Tree kangaroos are polygamous and that males interact with several females.Who are the animal
Tree kangaroos live in lowland and mountainous rainforest in Papa New Ginea,Indonesia and the far north of Qeensland,Australia
How does it move?
what does it looks like?
what does it eat?
For tree kangaroos living in the trees, the tree kangaroos eat mosly leaves and fruit. Although they will also collect fruit that have fallen on the ground. How do they protect itself? Unlike kangaroos, Goodfellows tree kangaroos like to stay in the treetops rather than hopping around on the ground.
Tree kangaroos are slow but clumsy on the ground.They move approximately human walking pace.They also hop awkwardly.Who are the enemies? Tree kangaroos has natural predators.Such as owls,eagles,and pythons
tree kangaroos fur is short, but usually wooly. Their body ,shoulders,ears-are chestnut brown color.But their belly are light colored. How much do they weigh? Tree kangaroos weigh up to 32 pounds and measure 30 inches.