Final Price
- The final purchase price is $3
- The equilibrium price proves that there will be neither a shortage, nor a surplus. Substantial amounts of profit will be made at the equilibrium.
- Lindblom water bottles cost $.79 to make.
- This leaves profit at $2.21per bottles sold.
- If 500 bottles were sold, total profit would then be $1105.
- For instance, selling water bottles for the same price that the suppliers gave, would leave us at a break even point.
- If LMSA sold the water bottles for $.79, they would not be making any profit nor losing any money.
- Likewise, the equilibrium point shows that here will be neither a surplus nor a shortage of product when selling at a specific price.
How I decided on this product
- 93% of Lindblom student have experienced extreme thirst last week alone.
- So, how would we go about quenching their thirst?
Advertise, advertise... and more advertising!
- Water, being the inelastic good, needs an elastic friend!
- LMSA water bottles give students another way to show off their school spirit.
- Flyers and posters throughout the buildng will have student running to get their limited supply water bottles.
Water Bottles!
- Lindblom themed
- 24 oz squirt bottle
- Re-usable, 100% recycled material, and BPA free.