Mammy Two Shoes v."Tom and Jerry"
Mammy Two Shoes
- They make her UNEDUCATED!!!
- She often combines "is" with a pronoun "I" or "you" to make "you is" or "I is"
- She also spells "out" wrong in one episode--"O-U-W-T"
- Generalization to a stereotype at this time? A gross stereotype that is mocking the minority.
- Mammy is significantly larger than the rest
- Round and very tall
- Hands on hips
- Contrast to the white female owner who later appears
- Her size causes her to crash to the ground
- May add to some good humor
- However, mocks the body build of some African American women and leads to a stereotype
Children May Think
- Significantly louder than everyone else
- Exaggerated, stereotypical African American woman's voice--very expected
- Everything is drawn out and emphasized
- First appeared in the 1940s, Civil Rights movements were beginning
- Motives of the writers are left to speculation
- In my opinion, just a token character with too many inautheticities and stereotypes to have any real quality
- African American children: wonder why half of her is shown, why she's angry,hardly in the show, angry or upset that she can't spell.
- Other children: may have viewed her as the villain
Looking at the Name
- “Mammy” is a term for a mother, but a mother of what?
- The character doesn't have children
- Is"Mammy” meant to suggest that she represents the entire African American race?
- Or all African American women are meant to be housewives?
Why No Quality? (Overview)
Her Job?
Looking at the Name: Second Half
- Jim Crow Museum of Racist Memorabilia. Ferris State University. 2012. Web. 7 October 2013.
- Tom and Jerry Mammy Two Shoes. 2013. Web. 20 September 2013.
- She does not even have a real name, while the animals have real names
- Only the bottom half of her is depicted
- Stereotypical voice, looks
- She is rarely onscreen
- Her role is insignificant--to play the boss,scream, fall victim to pranks, leave
- Her character is only seen as a large woman who bosses Tom around
- Stern voice, apron, slippers
- Suggests she stays in the house and does only house work
- Would assume her jobs are cooking, cleaning, caring for the cat
- House wife or hired help
- Incorrect image of African American women
- The other half of her name contains “Two Shoes”.
- Only shoes she wears are red slippers v. white heels of white owner
- Wonder why the writers established, in the name, that she owns two shoes
- It is obvious that not much work was put into this character, and what work was put into her is insulting.
Conflicting Characteristics
- Hands on her hips--body posture says ready for confrontation + makes her much larger
- She is also bossy
- Image of this African American woman is bad
- But Tom misbehaves when she is out of the picture. Mammy's authority is not true authority over the house.
- Point to her being a token character.
Her appearance...