He invented the first formal system of logic in the West, still in use to this day
Plato believed that when a human being learns something they are remembering something they already know about our divine nature, which is why we are attracted to certain things in this world
Both were greek philosophers
Did not have a high opinion of women.
Aristotle also wrote a number of books of scientific observations in biology, chemistry, and medicine in addition to his impressive amount of philosophical writing.
wrote a series of books
wrote "the republic" (that explained what he believed to be a perfect society
Fascination with science
The Philosophers would live and love together, sharing all their belongings to keep free of corruption, and would be wise governors of a society ruled by pure thoughts.
Both based their theories on four beliefs of the time; knowledge must be of what is real, the world experienced the senses is what is real, knowledge must be of what is fixed and unchanging, the world experienced the senses is not fixed and unchanging.
Aristotle believed that all knowledge were memories, collected through a series of observations and connected by the mind into a single experience, like m pictures forming a single movie.
From these selected philosopher-governors, a single Philosopher King would be chosen to act as the supreme authority over Plato’s fascist, in which the entire, perfect society was oriented to satisfy the rulers in the way the entire soul should be oriented to satisfy the will of the rational mind.
Aristotle asserts that the physical and the rational are not two parts of men but two dimensions of men.
Died in 322 BC
This was the end of Plato's reputation in which he later died in 347 BC