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Marine Organisms Found in Hydrothermal Vents


This Vibrant Ecosystem is Home to Various Species of Organisms, Some of These Include : Crabs, Mussels, Octopus, Ratfish, Zoarkiafish, Tube Worm, Zooplankton, Pompeii Worm, Siphonophones, Clams, Chemosynthetic Bacteria, Arcobacter Sulfidicus, Rimicaris.

Where Would You Find this Ecosystem ?

Hydrothermal Vents are Usually Formed in Areas Where Sea-floor Spreading Occurs, e.g. Mid-Ocean Ridges of the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. Some Popular Hydrothermal Can Be Found At: The Galapagos Rift, The East Pacific Rise & The Juan de Fuca Ridge.

Features & Characteristics of Hydrothermal Vents

This Ecosystem is unique as it is a habitat where organisms are able to chemosynthesize and reproduce in complete darkness and under extreme temperatures and pressure.

The physical features of Hydrothermal Vents include their 'black Smoker' or 'white smoker' Chimneys which may grow up to 18 stories tall(180ft) & Temperatures that exceed 350º.

Hydrothermal Vent Ecosystem

The characteristics, however, include a lack of sunlight, extreme pressure the presence of red-plumed, tube-dwelling vestimntiferan worms, the generation of energy through chemosynthesis and a wide variety of organisms ranging from mussels to giant tubeworms that have adapted to this environment.

Chemosynthetic Food Web of a Hydrothermal Vent

Presented By: Keturah Francis & Shanice Clarke

Hydrothermal Vents are essentially hot springs that are formed when cold sea water percolates through fissures within the ocean crust, becomes heated by the magma within the mantle and re-emerge through openings/vents in the seafloor. These vents play a major role in the regulation of the Earth's internal temperature and chemicals and, the mixing of hot mineral-rich water and cold sea water allows for the development of communities of organisms able to create energy and thrive despite the extreme conditions.

Abiotic Factors

Biotic Factors

The Abiotic, or non-living factors of Hydrothermal Vents refer to their Limited light, high temperatures(250-380°C) & presence of minerals such as calcium sulphate and sulfides of copper, iron and zinc.

The biotic, or living components of the ecosystem include the Producers, Consumers and Decomposers that exist here i.e. organisms such as Chemoautotropic Bacteria, Rat fish, Arcobacteria Sulfidicus/ Calatheid.

Symbiotic relationships within Hydrothermal Vents

Within this ecosystem, one can identify a close relationship between the Riftia Pachyptila Tube Worms and symbitic bacteria. In this relationship, the tube worm houses the bacteria in it's tissues and the bacteria, through the process of chemosynthesis, converts hydrogen sulphide to supply organic carbon to it's host.

Physical Features of Hydrothermal Vents

The first hydrothermal vents were discovered by scientists in 1977 while exploring a mid ocean ridge near the Galapagos Islands. The discovery of these vents were of particular imporance as it brought to light the existance of organisms able to flourish in the absence of sunlight.

Abiotic Factors

Black smokers Chimneys (up to 18 stories tall,180ft), white smokers, volcanoes, ocean floor ridges.

Symbiotic relationship within hydrothermal vents

Tube worms/ giant clams with Chemoautotropic bacteria, as they provide a built on supply of food as the bacteria lives within the animals tissues.

Presented By:

Keturah Francis


Shanice Clarke

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