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How to end Poverty

You need to have the right speech to end poverty

You have to have the right livelihood to solve poverty

You have to have the right mindfulness solve poverty

You have to have the right thought

You can't solve poverty if you are giving the wrong speech. You will never be able to get a job if you are constantly saying the wrong things. Getting a job is probably the only way you will be able to successfully end poverty,

You need to have the right effort to solve poverty

You have to have the right livelihood in order to solve poverty. You have to be able obtain the necessities to be able to survive. The way you can do that is start applying for jobs.

You need to understand what poverty is

To solve poverty you have to be mindful that there is problem. You can't think that the way you are living is normal. you need to have the right mindset in ending this problem

You have to have the right thought to solve poverty. You have to remain positive and not think negatively. You can't think one thing but do another.

To solve poverty you also need to have the right effort. You need to be proactive in finding a job,which means applying at every store you can possibly apply at. Maybe for the time being you need to collect welfare checks to get yourself back on your feet. Also if the reason you are poor is because you have a drug or alcohol problem, you should go to counseling. If you don't give the right effort you will never escape poverty.

Poverty is a condition where people's basic needs are not met. To deal with this problem you need to fully understand the problem. You need to understand why you are poor before you can solve the problem. Is it because of where you live, your financial situation, does a family member have a drug or alcohol addiction. Once you have figured this out you are one step closer to the solution.

You have to have the right action when you are trying to end poverty

when ending poverty you have the right action. You have to be able to apply yourself to getting a job and making some money to get off the street. If you have a addiction problem you have to seek help, through counseling or detox.

You need to have the right meditation to solve poverty

To solve poverty you have to be very focused. The best way to this is through meditation. Meditation is great way to find some peace of mind, especially when you are suffering from being poor.

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