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This revolt represented freedom from the Oppressive Turkiyah for the Sudanese people, even though it ultimately failed

Comparison to Modern Day 'Arab Spring'

Causes: Most commonly believed to be a result of dissatisfaction with local governments, as well as large income gaps

Effects: The 'Arab Winter'- wide spread instability, violence, and unrest- including civil wars and economic decline

Countries Involved: Tunisia, Algeria, Jordan, Oman, Egypt, Yemen, Sudan, Iraq, Libya, Kuwait, Morocco, Lebanon, Syria, Israel

Causes: The colonial system set up by the Egyptian administration was resented by the Sudanese- Muhammad Ahmad used this discontent to lead an army in revolt against the Egyptians

Effects: The British established their dominance over Sudan with the Anglo-Egyptian administration

Countries Involved: Sudan, UK, Egypt

The Causes

  • Egyptian rule over Sudan was resented by many Sudanese Muslims
  • The government:
  • imposed high taxation rates
  • took slaves from the local population at will
  • had absolute control over all Sudanese trade
  • Military conscription led to the death of tens of thousands of Sudanese men and boys
  • An anti-slavery campaign threatened the locals, as it was integral to the Sudanese economy

The Leader: Muhammad Ahmad

  • Ahmad was a Muslin religous leader and a Sufi teacher
  • In 1881 he declared himself Mahdi (a Messianic figure in Islam)
  • That same year, he declared a jihad against the Ottoman-Egyptian military occupation
  • He led an independent Islamic state briefly, said to be the first African state to have been created by its own efforts
  • Ahmad tried to discourage fellings of tribal loyalty, and instead promoted the idea of a common Muslim Identity

4. Jihad: Mahdist Revolt in Sudan

The Mahdist Revolution was an Islamic revolt against the Turkish Egyptian goverment in Sudan

By Abrielle Agron and Mathew Adragna

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