The fish reproductive system is simkple and both sexes are usually seperate.
Cartiliaginous fish have ducts which lead from the ovaries and testes into the cloaca.
Jawless and bony fish have a seperate opening for urine and gametes called the urogenital opening, located behind the anus.
The timing of reproduction is controlled by sex hormones, these hormones are produced in the gonads and released into the blood.
Some fish are hermaphrodites and can fertilize their own eggs this ism ore common in deep water fish.
A variation of hermaphroditism is sex reversal, which is when a fish begins its life as a male and change into females or vice versa.
Respitory System
Circulatory System
All fishes have a two-chambered heart located below the gills.
After blood is pumped gas exchange takes place.
Blood is carried to the body by arteries.
Arteries branch out into capillaries, that allow oxygen and nutrients to reach every cell.
Capillaries collect into larger blood vessels called veins which carry deoxygenated blood and dissovle carbon dioxide back to the heart to complete the cycle.
Verterbrates have the most complex and advanced nervous systems of any animal group.
At the heart of the system is the central nervous, consisting of the brain and spinal cord.
Most fishes have a highly developed sense of smell, which they use to detect food, mates, and predators and somestimes to find their way home.
Fishes detect other chemical stimuli with taste buds located in the mouth and on the lips, fins and skin.
Fishes have a unique sense organ called the lateral line that enables them to detect vibrations in the water.
Cartilaginous fishes also have sense organs in the head called the ampullae of Lorenzini that can detect weak electrical fields.
Many fishes detect changes in body position from movement of calcareous ear stones, or otliths, that rest on sensory hairs, a mechanism similar to the statocysts of invertebartes.
Bony fish use color for camouflage.
Fishes have structural colors that result
when a special surface reflects only certain
colors of light.
Some fish change color with the mood or
reproductive condition.
Obtain oxyegn dissolved in water and release carbon dioxide from their blood through paired gills.
Fishes get the oxygen they need by extracting it from water.
When sharks swim opening and closing of the mouth forces water through the mouth, over the gills, and out through gill slits.
Fish gills are supported by cartilaginous or bony structures, the gill arches.
Each gill arch bears two rows of slender fleshy projections called gill filaments.
Oxygen dissolved in the water diffuses into the capillaries of the gill filaments to oxygenate the blood.
Once oxyegn enters the blood its carried through the body by hemoglobin, a red protein that gives blood its charactersitic color.
A rhythmic swimming motion
of a fish body or scale.
Fishes swim to obtain food
and escape predators.
Rhythmic contractions are produced by
bands of muscle called myomeres.
Myomeres run along the side of the body.
Regulation of the Internal
Most sharks are carnivores.
some fish are filter feeders, which means
that they feed by filtering tiny organisms or fine
particles of organic material.
mantas feed on plankton and small fish.
bony fish hav protrusible jaws, that allow
more flexibility in their feeding habits.
most bony fish are carnivores.
In contrast to most marine organisms, the blood of marine bony fishes is less salty than seawater.
Marine bony fishes therefore need to osmoregulater to prevent dehydration.
To replace lost water, they swallow seawater.
Salts are absorbes and excreted by the kidneys, the most important excretory organs of veretbrates, and specialized chloride cells in the gills.
Cartilaginous fishes also absorb water to prevent dehydration, mostly through the gills and from food.
Excess salts are excreted by the kidneys, intestine, and a special gland near the anus called the rectal gland.
After food is swallowed, it
passes through the pharynx, then
the esophagus and into the stomach.
The stomach is where digestion begins.
Food passes from the stomach into the intestine
Intenstines secrete digestive enzymes.
The liver secretes bile needed yo break down fats.
Fishes like cartilaginous and primitive bony contain a spiral portion called the spiral valve.
Important part of fish courtship and reproduction, which are described in the next section.
Many marine fishes, particularly open-water species, do not reside in any particular area.
Fishes establish territories, home areas that they defend against intruders.
Fishes use a variety of aggresive behaviors to defend their territories.
Fish avoid risking injury by bluffing, and raise fins open their mouths or dart rapidly as a threat to other fish.
Body Shape
Directly related to it's lifestyle.
Fast swimmers have a streamline body shape.
Laterly compressed bodies are good for leisure swimming.
These types of bodies allow for bursts of speed to escape from enemies or capture food.