Grad Student Workers and
Immigration Processing
- Tasks
- Commitment/Hours
- Advantages for the Student
Have you considered using
a grad student worker to...
- The ISSS office at the University of Denver
- Immigration
- Collaborative Programming
- Case Study: Inclusive Excellence at the University of Denver
- Suggestions, Take-Aways, and Discussion
...organize service trips?
...give career workshops?
...conduct extended orientation series?
...plan the end of the year BBQ?
...assist in any international awareness events across campus?
...facilitate international coffee hours? advise student groups?
The University of Denver
11,600 Students
1308 International Students
- Objective
- Participants
- My role
- Advantages to the student worker
4 ISSS advisers
1 Director
1 Administrative Assistant
1 SEVIS Coordinator
Vice Provost of Internationalization
Translating Inclusive Excellence
to YOUR campus
- Advocating for international students
- Opportunities to create partnerships
- Work within existing frameworks and initiatives
Case Study
Inclusive Excellence at DU
Defining Inclusive Excellence
IE Fellow Program
Pioneer-to-Pioneer Partnership Program
Let's get to know
each other...
Grad Student Workers and
Collaborative Programming
- Your name
- Institution
- Does your office employ graduate student workers?
- What do you hope to take away from this presentation?
Working across departments
- Tutoring program w/ ELC
- Orientation Programming w/ HRE
- International Community Hour
- LLC Service Trips
- International Celebration Week
Utilizing Graduate Student Workers
in an ISSS Office
Let's Discuss
When managing a
grad student, consider...
Kelsey Abbott
Elizabeth Robertson
University of Denver
...allowing time for passion projects
...encouraging professional development
...encouraging students to take ownership of their position
...the marriage of scholar-practitioner (capstone proposals)
What are some positive ways in which your office has used graduate student workers?