Our helper: Sándor Kiss
Worked since his childhood
(20 years catering industry, 15 years gardening, then agriculture)
Accident, old age--> not able to live alone, keep a homestead.
Elderly home
- weekend link with family
- new friends, new way of life
What didn't change:
- vitality
- readiness to act
- intention to independence
What would Sándor like?
Doing more things independently!
- it would be nice to sit a bit higher when packing on shelves...
- sometimes one helper isn't enough when going somewhere...
- able to climb stairs
- without help
- keeps the seat horizontal
Probléma: kerekesszékkel való közlekedés
We asked our
Healing from wounds
Keeping up with advancement of technology
Good condition
Monetary affairs
- We looked on the Internet
- read literature
- asked the elderly home's workers
- asked a wheelchair manufacurer
- built models
Sándor's ideas made us think
His ideas came from job experience
In the elderly home
If you need to reach a shelf, pneumatics help.
Our solutions :
Stairs won't be a problem anymore!
Staircrawler wheelchair from the internet
Interview with experts
OrtoProfil Ltd. manufacturer and distributor of medical devices
the wheelchair type depends on the patients physical condition
An expert's point of view
- Lifting the chair elevates the center of gravity, it becomes unstable.
- The electric wheelchair's seat is minimally raisable.
- The patients solve this problem with tools.
Thank you for your attention!
Mrs. Éva Hevesiné is the programme organizer of the
elderly home
- meaningful,
- useful pastimes
We shared our solutions with:
Team LegoRockers
Karola Bálint
Kristóf Gilicze
Krisztián Otrosinka
Márton Pászti-Tóth
- our member institution-leader
- visitors who came to our school on the open day
- our 5th grader schoolmates
- Viktória Szőke, reporter of Duna-television
- and our school-tv reporters made some recordings
Nándor Rácz
Attila Sebők
Bence Tóth
We collected our information from:
- Our grandparents,
- older neighbours,
- Sándor Kiss, the team's helper,
- Ferenc Tóth, worker of Ortoprofil,
- Mrs, Éva Hevesi
- Internet sources:
- Websites about elderly
- Websites about elder-friendly solutions
- korhatartalanul.hu
Elder's problems
Elder-friendly solutions