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  • King Leopald II " Butcher of the Congo" was the ruler of the Belgian Colonization
  • Millions of congolese citizens died as a result of his rule of terror
  • Leopald's regimen was rewarded by how many native workers hands were collected due to lack of labor



  • Strictly speaking, The official period of Belgian colonial rule in the Congo did not begin until 1908, lasting until 1960, when the Congo achieved its independence.
  • Each citizen was issued a racial identification card, which defined one as legally Hutu or Tutsi.
  • Every morning, to get work started, everyone received eight lashes.

Types of Government

  • The Belgian Colonian Empire was the third largest colonial territory in Africa
  • Katanga was annexed and merged with the Belgian Congo.
  • Ruanda-Urundi merged with the Belgian Congo in 1924
  • Government Name: Kingdom of Belgium

  • Government Type: Federal Parliamentary Democracy under a Constitutional Monarchy

  • The head of state is the hereditary monarch; the head of government is the prime minister.

Henry Morton Stanley

  • Sent by King Leopold
  • Acquired millions of square kilometers of central African land for Belgium.

Territories Cont.

  • 98 percent of it was just one colony which was about 76 times larger than Belgium (the Belgian Congo)
  • The colony had originated as the private property of King Leopald II

Leaders Cont.

  • Once the Congo Free State became independent in 1960, Patrice Lumumba was prime minister and Joseph Kasavubu was president
  • Kasavubu was later assassinated in 1965 and Lumumba took full control

Videos on the Belgian Colonization

Works Cited

Belgian Colonies. Dir. Leidy Pinilla. Perf. None. YouTube. Youtube, 9 Mar. 2015. Web. 17 Sept. 2015.

"Belgian colonial empire." New World Encyclopedia, . 10 Sep 2008, 17:15 UTC. 18 Sep 2015, 08:58

"Belgian Colonial Rule - African Studies - Oxford Bibliographies - Obo." Belgian Colonial Rule. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Sept. 2015.

"Belgian Colonization." Belgian Colonization. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Sept. 2015.

Belgian Colonization. Perf. None. YouTube. PowToon, 24 Apr. 2014. Web. 17 Sept. 2015.

"Biography." IMDb. IMDb.com, n.d. Web. 14 Sept. 2015.

"Leopold II." Encyclopedia of World Biography. 2004, "Leopold II (king of the Belgians)." The Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th Ed.. 2015, and "Leopold II." World Encyclopedia. 2005. "Leopold II." Encyclopedia.com. HighBeam Research, 01 Jan. 2004. Web. 17 Sept. 2015.


  • For glory! (In Europe)
  • Resources
  • Civilizing?

Belgian Colonization


Phillip, LoRae, Autumn, and Olivia

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