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Heavy Rain Fall



Climate change is an ongoing issue that greatly affects the well being and health of humans. Many different negative impacts on humans include wide spreading diseases, air pollution, extreme weather conditions that lead to severe injuries, etc. This is mostly effecting the poor and the countries in poverty.

Rising Sea Levels

In conclusion, there are many different impacts that climate change has on humans, animals and plants. Most of these impacts are negatives in the lives of all of these things and put all of them at risk.

Water-borne disease

-Cholera, Cryptosporidiosis, etc.

Rising Temperatures

Anxiety, despair, depression, post-traumatic stress


-Dengue fever

Water and food supply


-digestive problems

-Heat exhaustion/ heat stroke

-Hotter weather increases drought

-Burning fossil fuels

-Ground level ozone production

Weather Extremes

Causes asthma, stiff lungs, respiratory problems, death, etc.

Respiratory disease



Severe Weather

-Floods, droughts, tsunamis, heat waves and other disasters kill and injure thousands of people.

Global Impacts of Climate Change on...

The global impact that climate change has made on the health of humans, animals and plants is mostly made up of all negative effects. There are many different aspects of climate change and different impacts that it makes on each one of the species talked about in this.

Health of Humans, Animals & Plants



The number of days when plants can grow could decrease by 11% by 2100 assuming limited efforts to stall climate change.

Extreme weather conditions can damage, disease and even kill plants all over the world


Unless greenhouse gas emissions are severely reduced, climate change could cause a quarter of animals to become extinct.

Many diseases in plants can be caused by excessive rainfall and wet weather

-Anthracnose- affects deciduous and evergreen trees


-Powedery-mildew- affects leafy plants/vegetables

-can spread from wind blowing, even onto dry areas

Extinction in plants is almost twice as common in tropical species than in temperate species

-Fire Blight- effects fruit trees

Global Warming

-Giant mountain lobelia

-Rafflesia flower

-With Global warming vegetation and large areas of the earth changes and with it the food the animals live on.

-Too much carbon dioxide in the air changes the chemical composition of what the animals eat, making them toxic to animals.

The overheating of the earth affects the time of year that the weather becomes warmer and when the seasons change. This affects the time for reproduction, migration, and hibernation of many animals.



-Wiggins Acalypha


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