
Prezi AI.

Seu novo assistente de apresentação.

Refine, aprimore e adapte seu conteúdo, obtenha imagens relevantes e edite recursos visuais com mais rapidez do que nunca.

Carregando conteúdo...

Leads to ...

> Conduit metaphors

> Relevance Theory

Parting thoughts...

Before I begin flouting the maxims, let me say that narrowcasting has been in effect for nearly 50 years, and is all around us. From its traditional use in broadcast media and print publications to the digital signage in supermarkets, department stores, airports and bars...advertisers and marketers are pinpointing their audiences with precision. It has, and is, shaping the norm on numerous levels of society.

Companies, politicians, opinion leaders and those holding power beware: there are serious narrowcasting implications at stake in the 21st Century. Privacy is shrinking and transparency is on a comeback. What you say and what you do privately, will quickly revert to broadcast.

My bet: In the coming months and years, marketers will secure and use narrowcasting methods to each of us through our smart phones. The progress is slow to start...but give it time, because I believe it will come full circle sooner than you think.



Hindman, M. (2003). Googlearchy: How a few heavily-linked sites dominate politics on the web. (Doctoral dissertation).

Kang, M. (2005). From broadcasting to narrowcasting: The emerging challenge for campaign finance law. Emory University School of Law.


















The End...

Happy Casting!


The Art of Knowing More About Less...

The Internet

& narrowcasting

After the money is spent,

what is the yield?

The Internet uses both a broadcast and a narrowcast model.

Most websites are on a broadcast model since anyone with Internet access can view the sites.

Sites that require one to log-in before viewing content are based more on the narrowcast model.

> Engaged conversation

> Increased interaction

> Increased relevance

> Relationships built

> Trust built

Narrowcasting is far more than advertising and marketing to a select few on the Internet...it's also about sharing your thoughts, feelings, emotions and life as well.

The element at play with narrowcasting and sharing your thoughts or life online?


There's a 'setting' for that...



Narrowcasting has traditionally been understood as the dissemination of information (usually by radio or television) to a narrow audience, not to the general public.

It involves aiming media messages at specific segments of the public defined by values, preferences, or demographic attributes.

targeted marketing

it's all the same...

personalized marketing

mass customized marketing

segmented marketing



niche marketing

interactive marketing


> Expertise in crafting messages

> More intelligence, metrics and research

> Often times, higher ROI means higher costs

define it!




d.i.e. & personalization

parting thoughts

Requirements include...

Audience Tuning

facilitates process and leads people to share things that are more useful or relevant to their audience

Schools of Thought

in which one tries to be relevant and says things that are pertinent to the discussion

Gricean Maxim of Relation


Broadcast vs. Narrowcast

One of the most common examples of narrowcasting is cable TV. The encrypted signals can only be viewed on a TV by first running through a descrambler provided by the cable company for a monthly fee.

Another example is satellite radio. Satellite radio is commercial-free radio, requiring a proprietary receiver or tuner. Satellite radio is also a paid subscription service, but narrowcasting doesn’t always involve a fee.

Original television networks CBS, NBC and ABC sought to appeal to as many people as possible by varied broadcast programming throughout the 1950s, '60s and '70s. Now, newer cable TV networks often specialize in single genres.

While the original broadcast networks continue to offer a variety of programming, narrowcasting has arguably influenced the broadcast model as well. Programs that appeal to the same audience segment are often offered back-to-back on the major networks; one night of the week might be dominated by legal dramas, the next night might be dominated by reality shows or sitcoms.

"Technology has greatly increased people's ability to 'filter' what they read, see and hear. General interest newspapers and magazines are largely a thing of the past. The same is true of broadcasters."

--Cass Sunnstein

Most people think that this kind of media fragmentation is a bad thing. In the '80s, pundits predicted narrowcast channel design would result in more choice--the opposite seems to be true. The reason? All channels, no matter how small, have to fill up a schedule. Small channels can only afford to show a few premium shows, so the rest of the content has to be cheaper 'padding.'

How do we overcome the weaknesses of cable narrowcasting?

Problems with narrowcasting and personalization?

Ain't nobody got time for that...

The Almighty Smart Phone

> We only focus on the bloggers whose opinions we share.

> We maintain only a close network of friends, excluding new voices.

> We find exactly what we want, and miss what we’re not looking for.

> We are only alerted to what we’ve already thought to ask for.

> We go only where we already know to go.

> We eat at only the “best” places.

>We narrowly focus on a niche political view or idea.

Irony anyone?

The same technologies that bring competition to commercial broadcasters cause similar difficulties for public service broadcasters.

New, commercially-supported programming delivered by satellite and cable, often draws audiences away from public service offerings.

Government officials and elected officers become reluctant to provide scarce public funds to broadcasters whose audiences are becoming smaller, forcing public service programmers to reach for larger audiences with different types of program content.

1 of 2

How do they do it?

2 of 2

Direct contact with voters through targeted mailing, telephone, the Internet and most importantly--face-to-face contact.

Politicians will argue that the more they are able to deliver non-mediated communication the better, because media 'distorts' political messages and encourages public cynicism.

KEY voter segments in KEY areas

...and therein lies the problem...

Narrowcasting is not a secure channel of communication. The media still receives the material, even if it is second hand, and can report on it.

Tricky Dick...

Black & Jewish Spies...

The Digital Information Era

& personalization

"If such publicized private speech is offensive, we cannot just ignore it on the grounds that it was private. Because it has become public, we condemn it to preserve the decency of public discourse."

--Leonard Garment

The real-time information world allows you to precisely personalize to your exact interests and requirements. The tools of real-time are powerful:

> A few favorites among millions of blogs.

> Just your friends on Twitter, Google+ and Facebook.

> Precise searches on Google and Bing.

> RSS feeds, email newsletters, news alerts sending only what you want.

> Travel with GPS.

> Eat with Yelp & Zagat.

> Watch just a few television stations in a universe of thousands.

Show me your Weiner...

Forget the 'binders full of women' ...how about the 47%?



Emerging development in American politics that presents serious challenges.

Rather than rely on widespread appeal over broadcast media to the mass electorate, campaigning is moving toward a narrowcasting world where candidates rely on targeted, personalized messages to limited segments of the electorate.

"We are at the threshold of a revolution in political communication. What we're about to see is the ability to send very direct messages to very small audiences on an ongoing basis anywhere in the country."

--Rob Stein, democratic strategist

by Riley Huskey

Media & Culture, Spring 2013

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