Environmental Perspectives
A set of values and beliefs that people hold about the environment.
- Each individual has a paradigm or a worldview, which varies according to your background, culture, education and society.
key points
- This paradigm affects your view as regards environmental issues, which will define your values and attitudes towards the environment.
Classification of Environmental Philosophies
The Ecocentric Perspective
The ecocentric worldview
This view supports the following:
- The Earth is here for all species.
- Resources are limited.
- We should manage growth so that only beneficial forms occur
- We must work with the Earth, not against it.
- We need the earth more than it needs us.
- life-centered.
- all life have an inherent value.
- Do not cause the permanent extinction of other species.
Extreme view:
- earth-centred.
- protection of ecosystems and habitants.
Biocentric thinkers
They believe in the importance of small-scale, local community action and the actions of individuals making a difference.
The self reliant or soft technologies
- They put more value on nature than humanity.
- They believe in biorights- universal rights where all species and ecosystems have an inherent value and humans have no right to interfere with it.
The deep ecologists
The anthropocentric perspective
The anthropocentric or technocentric worldview
This view supports the following:
- We are the Earth's most important species, we are in charge.
- There will always be more resources to exploit.
- We will control and manage these resources and be successful.
- We can solve any pollution problem that we can cause.
- Economic growth is a good thing and we can always keep the economy growing.
- They see the world as having infinite resources to benefit humanity.
- They think that through technology and our inventiveness, we can solve any environmental problem and continually improve our living standards.
- Some see the Earth as a spaceship and we are its captain and crew. If we understand the machine, we can steer it.
The cornucopians
the environmental managers
- They see the Earth as a garden that needs tending- the stewardship worldwide.
- They have an ethical view to protect and nurture the earth.
- They Environmental managers hold the view that there are problems and we need governments to legislate to protect the environment and resources from overexploitation and to make sustainable economies.
- They believe that if we look after the planet, it looks after us.
1-Native American Environmental worldview
2- The modern Western world view
3- Buddhism´s environmental worldview (a religious ecology)
Environmental Worldviews
They hold that animal and plants as well as natural objects have a spirituality.
Christianity and Islam.
Human can replenish the earth, subdue it and have dominion over it.
Every living thing in the world is co-dependent. Humans are not more important than other living things.
Shades of green:
Light-green: adaptation and changes to reduce resources use.
Bright-green: the appliance of science to solve environmental problems.
Environmental view accommodation
Dark-green: the survival of the Earth above survival of the human species.
Language IV
Prof. Agustina
Sosa Revol
The End
González, Alejandra Viviana
Massa Nicolás
Moreno Anahí