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Work Cited :


http://amug.org/-scrnsrc/ top_tv_shows_50's.html


Shows Of The 1950's


There were as many as 102 different types of televisions that were produced in 1950. Here are some examples:

There were a few shows that started in the 1950's like, I Love Lucy, Gunsmoke, Whats My Line?, The Honeymooners, and many more. The top 3 shows though were, The Today show, Whats my Line?, and Gunsmoke.

The Television was initially released in 1949

but not very many families had one until the mid 1950's , because they were too expensive. The television stations that started were; NBC, CBS, and ABC. They were the three most popular networks that dominated television.

Philco Television

Zenith Round Screen TV

Admiral Bakelite TV

RCA Television

This just shows the changes in the world in less than 100 years,

it's pretty amazing actually.

Commercial of the 1950's

Facts About Television In the 1950s

-The First television remote was called the Lazy Bone.

- The First Colored television was released in 1953.

-The first ever television commercial was about toothpaste.

-Some of the most famous shows of all time were produced in the 1950's.

-Rabbit Ears was the name for antenna's on a television.

Television In The 1950'S

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