Open Practice and OER sustainability at Leeds Metropolitan University
Towards a tipping point?
Institutional policy
Manual data input
Bibliographic feeds
to staff web pages
Database of institutional research
The roles of libraries and information professionals in Open Educational Resources (OER) initiatives (2012)
LDAP auth for all Leeds Met staff
By Gema Bueno-de-la-Fuente, R. John Robertson, Stuart Boon
OER since Unicycle
Link to repository to deposit full-text research outputs (potentially OER)
Deposit files
to repository
- ALPS CETL repository project (acerep)
- Collaboration with Leeds and York St John
- Pathways to Open Resource Sharing for Convergence in Healthcare Education (PORCHE)
- MEDEV (Newcastle)
- Closing the ukoer circle (Oh for an API!)
- Emphasis on research infrastructure
- Symplectic Elements
- Synergies for OER?
"We found a clear need to promote the role that libraries and librarians can play in OER initiatives, highlighting the expertise and competencies which libraries and librarians can offer. This active promotion is needed to build awareness among stakeholders about libraries and librarians potential contribution to the OER movement, but also, among libraries and librarians about their key role as OER advocates within and out-with their institutions."
The Leeds Met repository
Nick Sheppard
Leeds Metropolitan University
- JISC Repositories Start-up and Enhancement (2007)
- Broad range of materials
- Commercial software (intraLibrary)
- Multiple Application Profiles
- Flexible organisational structure
- Unicycle - phase 1 ukoer project (2009)
- "Blended" repository
- Two publicly accessible collections
- Research
- Links between collections
Technical Officer UK Council of Research Repositories (UKCoRR)
Learning and Teaching Strategy 2011-2015
@mrnick @ukcorr
E-Learning Implementation Plan 2012-2013
Closing the ukoer circle
EasyDeposit SWORD client
- Parallels development of OA research aggregation
- CORE (Connecting Repositories)
- Ubiquitous CC licensing makes it easier
Captures ukoer metadata
Can point at multiple repositories
A New Open Landscape?
- Open Access to research
- Finch report and role of (institutional) repositories
- Research data management
- Metrics and altmetrics
- Open journal publishing
- The lines are blurring
- Is institutional software up to the job?
Open API
Leeds Met repository
OAI-PMH harvest
The ALPS CETL Repository Project (acerep)
Pathways to Open Resource Sharing Through Convergence in Healthcare Education (PORSCHE)
Technical infrastructure