Camohaguin, Gumaca, Quezon Folk Dance
octaviano, coleen mae a.
stem-d grade 12
Group 4
What is the native dance in your province?
Lively festival dance introduced by Spaniards originated in Camohaguin, Gumaca Quezon. Derived fr...
Lively festival dance introduced by Spaniards originated in Camohaguin, Gumaca Quezon. Derived from “Jota” means popular dance and “Balse” means waltz.
Danced lively through festivals originated in Camohagum, Quezon
What is the influence in the life of the people?
It is said that the Filipinos were so fond of
the dances that no fiesta or fami...
It is said that the Filipinos were so fond of
the dances that no fiesta or family
reunion was celebrated without
much dancing
among themselves.
Partners face each other.(a) Take three sway balance steps with a waltz, Rand L alternately. Arms in four...
Partners face each other.(a) Take three sway balance steps with a waltz, Rand L alternately. Arms in fourth position, R and Lalternately. 6 M(b) Waltz turn left to proper places. Arms infourth position, R arm high.(c) Repeat (a) and (b), satarting L. Turn right in(b). Reverse position of arms.