O'Higgins became the leader of Chile starting from 1818-1823 and he strengthen Chile as a nation. He built a navy, improved cities, promoted trade and agriculture, and opened public schools and libraries.
Simón Bolívar was a military and political leader and played a key role in Latin America's successful struggle for independence. He helped lay the foundations for democracy in much of Latin America. San Martin began to consider the problem of driving the Spanish royalists from South America. He set out with his force to cross the Andes and liberate Chile. He found himself allying with Chilean patriot Bernardo O'Higgins, who commanded his own army. So San Martin led the Crossing of the Andes to Chile, and triumphed at the Battle of Chacabuco.
Impact of independence on the society
Timeline for the Chilean war of independence
Political, economical, social, intellectual and religious causes of the independence movement.
1541 - Pedro de Valdivia begins Spanish conquest and founds Santiago.
1553 - Araucanians capture and kill Valdivia.
1810 - Junta in Santiago proclaims autonomy for Chile following the overthrow of the king of Spain by Napoleon.
1814 - Spain regains control of Chile.
1817 - Spanish defeated by Army of the Andes led by Jose de San Martin and Bernardo O'Higgins at the battles of Chacabuco and Maipu.
1818 - Chile becomes independent with O'Higgins as supreme leader.
1823-30 - O'Higgins forced to resign; civil war between liberal federalists and conservative centralists ends with conservative victory.
Aristocratic Chileans only started considering independence when the authority and legitimacy of the crown were in doubt after napoleon Bonaventure’s invasion of Spain in 1807 because napoleon replaced the Spanish king with his brother and other Spanish loyalists were fighting for their rightful king back. The military Carrera was a heavy-handed ruler who aroused widespread opposition. For captain Bernardo O’Higgins he captioned the rival faction for civil war for him and certain other members of the Chilean elite, for temporary self-rule became for permanent independence. They pushed for independence to get equality and freedom for all Chileans. The criollos wanted leadership to rule there own country, but not upset the current social and economic order that they had already established. The fight for independence was basically just between the upper class for the power to rule there own government and for freedom and equality between the people of Chile.
- Independence movement started because of of the Creole group in Chile.
The Chileans won the war of Chacabuco in the early 1800's against Spain. However, soon after a civil war broke out between the patriots and loyalists. Despite the division between some wanting to be free from Spain's rule, and others wanting to break away to be a free country, Patriots won, making 1818 Chile's officially day of independence.
- For the meeting in September 18 to discuss Chile's future, 300 people attended, which were people mostly wealthy Creoles and Spaniards.
- After the war was over O'Higgins , leader of the army force became the president of Chile.
- The country did not suffer an economic downfall like what most Latin countries were suffering at that time.
- At that time Chile managed to achieve a somewhat stable government, and set plans for rapid development of agriculture, mining, industry and commerce.
- Economy also prospered because of the combination of a free-market and mercantilism , making Chile the first and most successful country in Latin America.
Roles of Foreign Intervention
The United States intervention in Chilean politics started during the War of Chilean Independence starting from 1810. The influence of the United States of America in the economic and the political aspects of Chile has gradually increased over almost two centuries, and continues to be very important.The roles of foreign intervention began with the U.S. involvement with Joel Roberts Poinsett. He was sent by President James Madison to investigate the prospects of the revolutionaries, in their struggle for independence from Spain.The United States tried to bring an early end to the War of the Pacific, mainly because of US business interests in Peru, but also because it's leaders worried that the United Kingdom would take economic control of the region through Chile. Peace negotiations failed when an arrangement was required for Chile to return the conquered lands. Chileans suspected the new US initiative was corrupted with a pro-Peruvian bias. As a result, relations between Chile and the United States took a turn for the worse. Chile instead asked that the United States remain neutral, and the United States, unable to match Chilean naval power, backed down.
Political and intellectual contributors to the independence movement.
Military Campaigns
The military was considered to be a big part of the outcome of the war because at the beginning, they promoted their reasons for wanting to have the war in the first place.
This persuaded more men to join the army, which left the army with the possible outcomes of higher chances of success, as well as the chances of having a higher death rates.
In the end, the military had around the same number of soldiers because those who died were made up for with those who were captured from the opposition. The starting size of the army was around 45,000 people and almost 12,700 of these people were forced into being part of the army.
Some sources say that most of the several generals of the Chilean army were satisfied with the outcome of the war but unsatisfied with the number of soldiers that they lost during the battle.
The motto of the army was: "Siempre vencedor y jamás vencido," meaning, "always victorious and undefeated."
The Chilean War of Independence (1810-1844) - Battle of Chacabuco, Maipu